Chapter 15

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The news reel played in the theater was I watched Elvis prepare for the war. Girls went crazy in the theater as they watched his luscious black hair fall to the ground.

Little did they all know, he used to dye is hair black. When up close to him, I'd see evidence of another hair color at his roots. He wouldn't touch up is hair when he spent time at Graceland. He didn't have to keep his persona. He was just Elvis.

The movie began with music and vibrant colors. The 'New Orleans' movie Elvis had been chatting about was finally finished. It's name was King Creole. Everyone was still aching for a taste of Elvis, this movie was the only new material we'd get from him in a long time.

After the movie was through, girls chatted about it on the way out of the theater

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After the movie was through, girls chatted about it on the way out of the theater. They all spoke about him so foolishly. For people who claimed to care about him, they were so careless in the way they spoke of him. They acted as if he was just an object to get up on stage and wiggle his hips to put on a show.

He was very human, all he wanted was for people to see him that way. Once returning home to the Nelson Residence, I waved at Ozzie and Harriet as I walked up to my room.

On my vanity were multiple letters from Elvis. I tried to keep my relationship with Elvis a secret from Ozzie and Harriet, but Elvis insisted they knew. Because I don't give a damn what they think he wrote. The content of the letters he sent me surely proved he didn't give a damn about a lot of things.

Some letters were happy. For example, he was stationed in Germany and seeing new things. He'd write about his new experiences there. Some letters were sad. He'd get into a somber mood as he wrote about missing home and me. He'd say gush about how living over there is showing him exactly how lonely life could be, even with his friends around.

He wrote that he when he'd return home, he'd be a changed man. He said he'd never let me go. All of this made me wonder exactly what he was doing behind my back while here.

I laid on my bed with all of the letters scattered around me. Reading each loving word written by his hand and staring at every photograph sent to me.

"When was the last time he sent you a letter?" A smooth but strong voice asked. I looked up at Ricky who was now walking into my room.

"He's not all that great, Lauren." Ricky sat at the edge of the bed next to where I laid. "I'm gonna knock him off the charts, just wait and see."

"I'd like to see that." I teased, pushing my knee towards Ricky's back that faced me with a laugh.

"Oh, I will! I actually had vocal lessons. All that guy does is whimper on a record." Ricky pouted and I laughed even harder.

"You are so jealous! You know, jealousy doesn't look good on you." I joked with him.

"Well I'm certain I look better than him." Ricky grinned, then he twisted his body toward me and leaned down to kiss me.

I know what you're probably thinking. Why are you still seeing Ricky when Elvis is pouring his heart to you in Germany? The thing about it is I couldn't let go of either one of them. Both of them were positive influences in my life. Sure, they were opposites, but I was what they had in common.

"You're getting much better at petting, Ricky." I exhaled as he began kissing my neck.

"I learned from the best." Ricky mumbled, kissing down my chest and to my breasts. He held both of them in his hands as he left kiss marks on the skin exposed above my neckline of my dress. "Say... why don't you just drop that Elvis guy?"

"Here we go." I moaned out in annoyance, turning my face away from Ricky who hovered on top of me.

"I mean— think about it! He's over in Germany, I'm right here." Ricky reminded me. "I'm right here to be with you, comfort you, touch you."

His lips connected with mine again, I ran my fingers up to his hair as we kissed. Then, he pressed his forehead to mine.

"I really care about Elvis." I exhaled as I held onto his shoulders while he laid on top of me. "Besides, you have a girlfriend!"

"You mean Marianne?" Ricky scoffed, resting his cheek against my beating heart. "The studio is just having us date for the show!"

"So you're telling me you have no feelings for her?" I asked with a risen brow. He didn't answer. "Exactly my point. Nothing about this is exclusive. Besides, I was with Elvis first."

"You're so hung up on Elvis, but he's out there. I'm sure he's with a bunch of girls that you don't even know about. I'm right here with you. I'm tangible, Lauren." Ricky poured his emotions to me. Still, I was desensitized. Ricky was a great squeeze while Elvis was away, but my heart was still stuck on Presley.

"Say, what are you gonna do while I'm away at tour? How are you gonna occupy yourself?" Ricky asked as his blue eyes looked down at me. He'd saw Elvis' absence as a chance to improve his own career.

"Somehow, I think I'll manage." I rose a brow at him.

"Why don't you just come with me?" Ricky asked. There was always an innocence to him, he truthfully wanted to be with me. However, I couldn't uproot my life just to follow him.

I figured once Elvis would come back, we would pick up where we left off and see where things went with that. Ricky wasn't the most ideal person and he wasn't as successful as Elvis. In that day and age, I had to be smart about life.

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