Chapter 31*

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"The tub is ready for you." Elvis said, lifting me up bridal style. I rested my head on his shoulder with a grin as he walked me to his bathroom. Slowly, he placed me into the filled tub. "You've had a long day."

"You've been fucking me all day." I remarked, taking a washcloth and bar of soap from him.

"I didn't expect you to do so well. You're very patient." He placed his hand on my head. Then he slightly tugged my hair, causing my head to go back. I smirked, looking up at him while he leaned over the tub. He kissed my collar bone, then up to my neck.

"Now, wash up for me." He said. Sitting on the toilet next to the tub. Elvis watched intensively as I placed the washcloth all over my body. He sat on the part of the tub towards my feet, facing me as he watched me bathe. Tilting my head, I lifted my leg above the water. Then, I hung it over the side of the tub toward him, my foot rested into his lap.

As he looked over into the tub, my legs were now open for him. He took my foot into his hands and began massaging it. "Must you be like this? You've tired me out, kitten."

"Fine. I'll do what I came to do." I told him, placing my leg back in the tub. Then I slowly sat up more, my breasts rising above the water level. His eyes focused on my body, his jaw clenching while he watched.

Squeezing my wet washcloth over my body, the water slowly ran down over my breasts. I watched as Elvis' crotch got hard with every second. Wiping over my nipple, I dipped the washcloth underneath the water and between my legs.

"Hey..." He said in a scolding town. I shook my head no, showing him I'd be leading this.

I started off by slowly stroking the washcloth up and down directly on my pussy. I shut my eyes as I rocked my hips against it. When I opened them, Elvis was now sitting closer to me while sitting on the edge of the tub.

"You're a bad one, aren't you?" He grinned, I continued slowly stroking myself with the washcloth, moaning as he watched. His hand moved down to his aching crotch.

He adjusted his bulge in his pants that was wet from my foot being on it earlier. Then, I stood up in the tub and faced him. "Do you think I'm clean enough?"

He grinned, taking the washcloth and pushing it between my legs. He stroked my entrance twice, then applied pressure as he rubbed it slowly up to my clitoris. He stroked it around my clit, I winced out.

"Seems like we can do a little more." He told me.

He stroked the inside of my thighs with soap, then squeezed warm water out of the washcloth on them. Then, he wedged his hand between my thighs and pushed so that I opened them. I stood there with my legs open, Elvis leaned forward licked a stripe up my slit.

He slowly licked up and down my slit, then up to my clitoris. Then, he filled the washcloth with warm water and began stroking my pussy once again, looking up at me. I grabbed his wrist, holding it as he continued to rub me dangerously slowly.

"Turn around." He told me, I complied, pressing my hands to the wall. Pushing my ass toward him, I felt the warm water hit my cold body as he squeezed the washcloth over my ass. He squeezed my cheek, then gave it a smack. "Don't you ever go back to that Nelson house, you hear me?"

"I won't." I insisted, looking back at him.

"Look towards the wall." He ordered, I complied. For a moment, I stood there in the cold air while dripping wet. My core ached for Elvis' touch, I wondered exactly what he was doing but I didn't dare to question anything.

Suddenly, I heard the water splashing behind me. I still kept my hands pressed to the wall and I still looked forward, but by the water splashing at my shins I knew Elvis came to join me.

"I was looking in your things and I found this." Suddenly, a white plastic object was held up next to my face. My cheeks became hot with embarrassment. "What do you call this?"

"A neck massager." I answered, looking down as I kept my hands on the wall.

"A neck massager?" Elvis repeated, then twisted the bottom of it. The white phallic object began buzzing next to me, he placed it on my neck. I closed my eyes trying to contain my emotions, Elvis slowly lowered the device to one of my nipples. I exhaled as I felt vibrations against the sensitive area. "Seems like you want it somewhere else."

"Please..." I pushed my butt back, which pressed against his body. He was naked, I could feel his hard member against my backside.

"Patience, baby. Don't make me take back what I said earlier." His large hand wrapped around my hip as he pushed me to stand up straight once again. Sliding it down my stomach, the vibrator reached my clitoris. I uncontrollably pushed back onto him, Elvis' cheeks got red with frustration as he watched me come undone.

He slid his hard member inside of me while his body was pressed against my back. Then, he thrusted hard into me while holding the gadget to my clitoris. It wasn't too long until I was left orgasming in his arms. He wrapped an arm around my waist as my legs became weak from the pleasure.

Pulling himself out I heard him quickly stroking his slick member behind me. I didn't care at that point, I leaned my head against the cool tile wall as I caught me breath. After warmth came onto the back of my thigh, I turned around and wrapped my arms around Elvis.

"If I ever see you with Ricky again." Elvis mumbled as he placed his hand softly around my neck. "I'll take out that Ricky guy with my own two hands."

"Is that a threat?" I asked, then he immediately stuck his thumb into my mouth. I kept eye contact as I sucked hard on it.

"That's a promise."

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