chapter 22

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Dedicated to srilathas

"Hey man," Wesley greeted Chris before pulling a seat to sit down. "Shouldn't you be going home now?"

Chris looked at his wrist watch and realized that Wesley was right. He was supposed to be heading home but still he was in the office thinking of a new design for his company. His summer clothes had sold so well bring allot of profit to the company.

But what was he going home to? His mother had left two weeks ago leaving him behind with his cold wife. Yes, she had turned out to be cold towards him and he didn't like what he saw in her eyes when she looked at him. Hate. That's what he saw and he hated himself for that.

For making her cold. She hadn't even spoke a word to him from that night. The night he thought that he would make her pay. The night that made him learn allot about her after her out burst. He was sorry and he had said that way too many times but it felt in deaf ears.

He missed the old Maya. The Maya who showed her emotions once in a while. That was the Maya that he wanted back. The one who left a sweet cup of coffee for him to drink every morning just the way he loved it. Yes, at first he had thrown away the coffee but on the second week, he had grown to the coffee.

She prepared better coffee than Alma. And that made him to get addicted to it for that one month and two weeks that they had stayed together. But he thought that that won't change after that night but he was wrong.

She was actually right. His problem was to think. To think that maybe they could work thinks out after he learned the truth but he was wrong. Maya stopped preparing his coffee in the morning as she used to do.

She didn't even glance at him even when he said something to her. All she did was stare somewhere else apart from him and when he was done, she would walk away without a word. And he hated it. He hated himself for making the worst choice ever.

He hated himself for thinking at first instead of investigation. He hated himself for never giving her the chance to explain herself before jumping into conclusions. He hated himself for never seeing the pain in her eyes since the day he met her. And now he was paying the price.

Silent treatment. He thought the worst was when his mother ignored him but he was wrong. With him having Maya not say a word to him for two weeks was driving him insane. He wanted to scream at her. He wanted to hear her say anything. Anything to him even if it was to say she hated him.

He just wanted to hear her voice once more. Was that too much to ask? But he had run out of options. Options of how to make her do that. He tried. He tried everything and anything but she never said a word and now, now he was giving up on her. He was giving up on his wife despite him knowing that he had to work harder than he was doing at the moment.

That's why he was at the office thinking of a new collection for his company. That's why he was there instead of being home. He was afraid at least. Afraid to see the hate in his wife's eyes. Afraid to see the what he brought out by his actions. That's what he feared...

"She hasn't said a word to you, has she?" Chris was pulled out of his thoughts by his friend.

He had even forgotten that he had company with him.

"No," he answered looking at Wesley. "And it really hurts Wesley. And please don't say you warned me."

"Of course, I did warn you but your ego was too big that I could slice it into a billion pieces. But now you know your mistakes."

Chris nodded his head, "Yes I do, and I want us to be if not anything friends."

"Tell you what."


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