chapter 41

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Dedicated to @DoyinOdime

Maya pulled herself away from the back of the couch and turned around. But that had her regretting her decision. The sun rays made had her closing her eyes more than she had done before. To her, her only rescue was to turn again and hide herself on what seemed to be more soft couch than the other days.

Her eyes were still closed but the pounding on her head were more stronger now that the sun rays had hit her. She curled up to her couch getting more comfortable than she anticipated for herself. Just when she was settled, she felt her couch move or the hangover was making her imagine things.

Hangover? That's why her head hurt that much. And it was all Kyle's fault. It was hers that she got drunk last night. Yes, it was her birthday but that didn't mean that one has to get drunk in order to celebrate...

Again, her couch moved and that's when she had her eyes open. To her horror, she was on Chris' bed and what she thought was her couch was his back. This had Maya sitting up like a lighting only to have her head hurt more.

Damn you alcohol.

She cursed as she let her hands move to her head. Just then, Chris turned to her side and opened his eyes. He looked cute when he was just waking up and that's when Maya realized that this was the second time since their marriage she saw him wake up.

The first being the day he left mark on her neck and then now. How she missed the other days? Well, she never finds him on his bed when she wakes up since he is always out working out and if not, he is asleep when she leaves.

"Good morning, Cupcake." Chris greeted her rubbing his eyes. "Had a good night sleep?"

Of course she did. She slept like a baby and she had no idea why. Maybe the alcohol did some tricks and had her forgetting about the world and thinking of nothing else.

Maya looked at Chris and replied to his greetings. He smiled at her and got up to walk to the bathroom and that's when her jaws almost fell on the bed. Chris wore nothing but his brief.

What happened last night? Why is it that I can't remember anything?

With those questions on her mind, she moved her eyes to herself and for the first time, she realised what she was wearing. And to her horror the buttons were half buttoned up.

Just then Chris walked out of the bathroom and that time she did what a dissent person would do at that very moment. And that is to draw the covers up her body.

"If I were you, I'd not hide anything since I saw it all." Chris said walking to her and pouring a glass of water from the night stand. "Here, this will help your head." He said handing over the aspiring to her.

But Maya highly doubt that. Her head just got worse thinking of what had happened the other night and what Chris made when he said he saw everything. Did they do something last night? Why can't she remember anything at all?

"What happened last night?" She asked when she swallowed her medicine.

Maya watched Chris smile no blush when she asked it. He was remembering something about last night something that Maya could not remember herself. That's not how she wanted her first time to be.

She wanted to remember everything, every detail about what takes place and when it does but Chris seemed to have done her wrong. He took advantage of her drunk state and slept with her.

Isn't that rape? But how can it be rape when they're both married. Even if she would love to go to a court, she would stand no winning change at all. That thought alone had her tears wailing up on hers.

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