chapter eight

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Rosé was sitting in her studio after distributing all the cookies, working on random things. She didn't have much schedule that day so she decided to chill in her studio, work on some new tracks and work on new languages. She was busy studying Japanese when she heard a knock on her studio door.

She got up to check who was it, and she was surprised to see Jungkook on the other side of the door, holding the box of cookies and smiling at her.

"Hey." He said.

"Jungkook. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to visit my friend, Rosie." He said, cutely. She giggled and let him in.

"Why aren't you with others?" She asked, taking a seat next to Jungkook on the sofa in her studio.

"Why? Am I not allowed to spend time with you?" He asked.

"Is it your job to answer my questions with another question?" She replied, arching her eyebrow.

Jungkook chuckled. "Sorry. I came by so that I can share my cookies with you." He said.

"Share your cookies? Why? I made those for you!" She said.

"I know. And I know you didn't make any for yourself as well." He said, looking at her guilty face with mild disappointment. "I knew it. We're going to share now." He said.


"Nuh-uh. No buts. You'll do as I say." Jungkook said, rather firmly. "Now, open your mouth." He said, as he held one cookie for her. She took a bite from his hand as he smiled at her with satisfaction.

"You know me too well for my own good." She said. He just patted his own shoulder with pride.

"That's why I'm the best." He said as they both laughed.

"So.. this is Rosé Studio huh?" He asked, looking around.

Rosé giggled. "You've been here before dumbo." She said.

"I know. But you always change the decorations and re organise everything all the time." He said.

"Because change is good. It helps me de stress." She explained.

They dive into the conversation too deep, as they bounce off different topics. Various conversations took place over a box of cookies, making them lose track of time. It wasn't surprising, since they always lose track of time when they're with each other.

"You don't have any schedule right?" He asked.

"Nope. I'm more or less free today." She answered.

"Great. Let's play a game." He said.

"Okay, fine. What do you wanna play?" She asked.

He took a few seconds to think, before she noticed a playful smirk appearing on his face. He leaned over to her a little and said, "truth or dare."

Rosé's eyes widened a little. "We're not 13 anymore Kookie." She said.

"So what? Truth or dare doesn't have an age limit." He said.

"Yeah but you're going to embarrass me. I know that." She whined.

Jungkook just laughed. "That depends on what you choose, babe. Now let's begin. I'll start." He said, as he adjusted himself on the sofa, so that they both faced each other.

"Truth or dare." Rosé asked.


"What was your first impression of me and what's your impression now?" She asked, resting her chin on her knuckles, interested to hear his answer.

Jungkook pressed his lips and nodded. "Very good start. Very strong." He said and took a pause. "Well, to be honest, when we first met, I was quite intimidated by you." He said.

"Intimidated?" Rosé asked, genuinely confused.

"Yeah... You were this multi-talented, beautiful young girl who everyone scouted for. And training with you made my 13-year old stupid self very nervous. I thought I'll hate you and had every intention to ignore you. But, I'm glad I didn't." He said, looking at his lap, embarassed to confess his past feelings.

"Aw, Kookie!" Rosé cooed, cupping his face. "How cute of you! Now tell me your current impression." She said.

Jungkook looked up, locking eyes with her. "Now... It's the complete opposite. You're the most beautiful and genuine person I've ever laid my eyes on. Approaching you was one of the best decisions I made in my life and I'm thankful that you saw a friend in me and stayed with me for so long." He said, maintaining the eye contact. Rosé stared at him with her mouth agape. That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to her.

She turned light pink when Jungkook leaned in closer to her. "I love your company, and I don't know how my life would be without it. I'm glad we met. I'm better when you're with me." She turned redder as he kept leaning closer towards her.

"J-jungkook.. that was.. really sweet." She managed to reply. She tried to look other ways to avoid his gaze, but his eyes were fixated on her.

"Your turn. Truth or dare." He said, in a low tone.

"D-dare." She said, as she saw the corner of his lips twitch up.

"I knew your competitive ass is going take dare." He said, as she start to realise that maybe it was a bad idea.

"Kiss me." He said.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"Kiss me. I dare you." He challenged her.

Rosé has never turned down a dare, and his challenging tone was triggering her competitive self.

"Jungkook... Please..."

"Can't do it huh? Coward." He teased, and that's when she had enough.

She grabbed face and pulled it crashing her lips on his. It wasn't a passionate kiss, but more like a firm peck at first. They stay like that for a couple seconds before slowly pulling back. Rosé noticed Jungkook's dreamy eyes, scanning her face as she panted lightly because of all the adrenaline rushing through her veins. They maintained eye contact for a while, before going in again, this time kissing each other for real.

It was gentle but passionate. Their lips moved against each other expertly, as if they've done it many times already. Rosé wrapped her hands on his neck, pulling him deeper. Jungkook leaned forward, now hovering over her, as they continue to make out on her sofa. She runs her fingers through his hair, gripping them. He bites her bottom lip, earning a low moan from her.

He jerked up his head and stared at her. "Did I cause that?" He asked.

Rosé was still panting, due to the lack of air. "Who else?" She asked back.

Jungkook got back to his sitting position and so did Rosé. They both sat in silence for a couple of moments, contemplating what just happened.

"Well, that escalated quickly." Jungkook broke the silence.

"Yeah.. it did." Rosé said, earning a nod from Jungkook. "Right. We got.. uh.. carried away again." He said.

"I should just go I guess. The members must be waiting." He said, getting up.

"Yeah.." Rosé said, getting up and adjusting her skirt. "See you around?" She asked.

Jungkook smiled at her and nodded, before leaving her studio.

After he left, Rosé crashed on the sofa again and squealed as silently as she could.

She wasn't surprised, since it was bound to happen some day or other based on the tension and chemistry they had between them. But what she didn't expect was it to be so good and unforgettable.

She doesn't know what he thinks, but she certainly did enjoy it very much.

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