chapter fourteen

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A defeated Rosé walks into her hotel suite and drops on the bed. She was tired after the fan meeting. She barely had time to rest after the flight and she just sat for hours signing copies of her albums and smiling brightly for her fans.

The smiling part was natural, since it's always such a pleasure for her to see and meet her fans. But after showing so much energy, she was drained.  Since it was her birthday, the fans did a project for her which melted her heart and made her fall in love with them even more. They got her a cake and a few gifts. They sang her happy birthday and made her feel the most welcome. She was genuinely happy and showed extra love and care for them in this meeting.

She decided to call it a night. She got up to take a nice shower before changing into a oversized white shirt that was long enough to be a short dress for her. It was the most comfortable thing she could find at the time.

Before she could crash on the bed, she heard the doorbell ring twice.

Who the heck is it at this time? She muttered, kind of annoyed.

She reluctantly walked towards the door and peeped through the tiny hole.

It was black. The person must have covered the opening. As an alone woman staying in a hotel, in a foreign country, automatic worry took over her. Is it a burglar? A kidnapper? Should she bring her pepper spray? Should she just kick him in his ribs like they taught her in self defence? She started listing all the things she can do to defend herself. Because she was confused, why would someone cover the peephole like that.

The doorbell rang again, and she had no choice but to open it right then. She took a deep breath and opened the door to find a man wearing a black mask and a bucket hat on the other side, face almost hidden.

She would've screamed if she didn't notice the bucket hat. The black bucket hat with the letters JJK stitched on the hem personally by her.


"Happy birthday baby!" He said, taking off his hat, letting his black hair fall messily in front of his eyes. Although the hair covered half of his eyes, she could see his eye smile.

"W-what are you doing here? In Japan? At this time? Like.. what?" She started blabbering. He showed up out of nowhere and she was obviously very surprised and shocked. In a good way.

"Can I just come in first? I just landed and I'm tired." He said, laughing a little.

"Oh! Sure come in! Oh my god. I'm just so surprised." She said.

"Hope it's in a good way." He said, walking past her, taking off the mask and dropping on her bed.

"In a great way!" She said, taking a seat next to him. "What are you doing in Japan? Are the others here too?" She asked.

"No I'm alone." He answered.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because... It's your birthday. And I wanted to spend your birthday with you." He said, staring into her eyes with a gentle smile.

Rosé blushed a shade of light pink. He was always extra every year on her birthday. In fact, they try to outshine each other every year on the respective birthday planning. They don't do this against each other, but their own selves. They personally want each birthday to be better than the last one.

"You didn't have to come here you know." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I know. But I wanted to. And since you didn't pick up your phone AT ALL today, I just had to come here to wish you before the day ended." He said.

"You came all the way from Korea to Japan to wish me?" She asked.

"See, that sounds very attractive and extravagant, but actually no." He said, laughing a little. "I also came to spend some time with you and give you this..."

He pulled out a small box from his backpack and handed it to her. It was wrapped with the prettiest wrapping paper with a silk ribbon, and a small note saying "to my unique Rosie."

"What is this Jungkook?" She asked softly.

"Open it and you'll see." He said.

She pulled the silk ribbon off and slowly unwrapped the paper, revealing a velvet black box. He kept looking at her excitedly and hopefully, as she slowly opened the box. He had never been more happy to see the look on her face when she saw what was inside the box.

"J-jungkook..." She said.

"Do you like it?" He asked, hoping to hear a good answer.

Inside the box was her birthday gift. A custom necklace, with a gold rose pendant attached to it. The best part was, it held a deeper meaning. When she left Australia, the only thing she brought with her was a charm bracelet, with a gold rose charm attached to it that reminded her of home. But somehow she lost it after debut. She was devastated and he knew how much she loved and valued that charm. He couldn't see her that time, crying her eyes out for a charm.

Rosé could cry any minute because of how touched she was. It was one of the best gifts she has received.

But Jungkook was getting unsure every second. He could see the tears forming in her eyes and her silence was exactly not convincing him if she was happy.

"Do you not like it?" He asked.

Rosé looked up to him. At this point, she was laughing and crying.

"It's beautiful. I love it so much." She said. A wave of relief rushed over Jungkook upon hearing those words. He cupped her face and wiped her tears away with his thumb and looked into her eyes.

"Don't cry. It's your birthday." He said.

Rosé could not contain her happiness, as she crashed into his arms. She hugged him ever so tightly. He just embraced her and the moment. It was special and he didn't want it to end. He always wants to see her happy, and knowing the he's the reason behind her happiness is calming to him.

"Thank you so much. It's the best thing anyone has ever given to me." She said, still not letting him go.

"Want me to put it on for you?" He asked.

She pulled back and nodded, wiping her tears away. She turned her back towards him and handed him the necklace. He took it from her and removed her hair from the way. He put the necklace around her neck and clasped it. She turned back to face him, and he saw her face lit brightly with happiness.

"It looks beautiful on you." He said, smiling at her.

She kept admiring the pendant. She looked up at him and their eyes met. She kept looking at his brown orbs, thinking how lucky she must be to have him in her life, even as a friend.

Jungkook admired her face glowing. That's all he wanted. Her to spend her birthday happily.

"It's not much this year, but I still hope you enjoyed your birthday with me." He said.

Rosé just kept staring at him. He noticed her leaning towards him. She cupped his jaw and kissed the corner of his lips, taking him a little by surprise. A faint blush formed on his cheeks.

"It's the best birthday I've ever had." She said, pressing her forehead against his. "Thank you."

Jungkook smiled but his expression changed when he realised something important.

"Oh no." He mumbled.

Rosé looked at him, confused. "What is it?"

"I think I forgot to book a hotel room." He admitted.

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