chapter eleven

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Rosé walked into her apartment lifelessly. She was feeling terrified and scared. It's been about a month since her new sasaeng has surfaced.

Every week, the nameless sasaeng will send her a white rose, decorated with, what he said, his own blood. There will always be a note attached to it and it will say the same creepy, terrifying things. Her skin crawled as she curled up into a ball on her couch. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes.

She hadn't informed the company about this issue yet. She had strictly ordered her team to keep this issue under wraps. Soojin thinks that it's really stupid to not tell the company about it. But Rosé is scared that it will harm her reputation. She doesn't want the issue to blow up. She doesn't want the people to think that she's victimising herself. She knew that she was signing up for all this the moment she decided to become an idol.

But she didn't know how hard and scary it actually was to know that there's someone out there, obsessed with you. Someone who will do anything to get your attention. Who will do anything for you to remember them.

She thought, in her 14 year old mind, that she can handle it. After all, she did move from Australia to Korea to become an idol at such a tender age. What can she not do?

Well, she didn't understand how creepy it is to actually have sasaengs in one's life then. But now, after living the star life, she knows how bad it is. Physically and mentally.

She knows that the public is aware of the sasaeng problems. But, then again, a part of her brain says that the public will take it negetively if she brings it up. She doesn't want to see comments about how "she should just deal with it because every idol deals with it as well." She's already vulnerable and scared and seeing comments like that will just break her.

Amidst all the dark thoughts that kept surrounding her, she heard a knock on her front door. She flinched in her position as her heart started thumping in fear. Only one thought ran in her mind...

Did he finally find her?

Did the sasaeng finally reach her?

Beads of perspiration started forming on her forehead as her breaths started getting uneven and heavy.

Another couple knocks.

She slowly got up from her seat and made her way towards the door. All she prayed that it wasn't him... Her sasaeng...

She decided to look through the peephole before opening the door and she was glad she did. Because what she saw through that tiny hole on the door was not her creepy sasaeng but the man she trusts the most in her life.


She quickly unlocked the door opening it, and crashed into his arms, burying her face in his chest and letting the tears flow uncontrollably.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly and kissed her forehead. All he said for her to calm down was...

"It's okay. I'm here baby... No need to be scared anymore."

"I was so scared..." She mumbled, clear enough for him to understand.

"I know. Let's go inside. I'm here." He said.

He led her into her own apartment and sat her down on her couch, locking the door and bringing her a glass of cold water. He sat down next to her and made her drink the water. He put the glass down on the table and tightly held her hands.

"Soojin told me all about it... You don't need to explain me anything." He said, in a calm tone.

Rosé couldn't say anything at that time, even if she wanted to. She was so psychologically disturbed by the events that she could only let out soft sobs.

"Although I'm disappointed that you didn't tell anyone, or at least me about this sooner, but I don't blame you. I know how hard it is to deal with. And I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do." He continued. She lightly nodded, feeling a little sane and secure knowing that Jungkook has her back.

"Listen Chaeng..." He said, lifting her face so that she can look at him. "I'm always here, with you, besides you. I have always been and I will always be. But I can't do anything if you don't co-operate with me. And trust me when I say this... If you ignore this any longer, it will grow out of control."

"B-but I don't want anyone to worry about me or hate me because of this..." She squeaked.

"Sweetheart no one is going to hate you for protecting yourself. I know how much your fans love you and I know that you trust them. So trust them one more time." He said. "Trust me one more time."

Rosé kept looking at Jungkook with desperate and hopeless eyes. She wanted to cry harder and he could see it. She was terrified and his heart was breaking at this sight. He just simply pulled her closer and hugged her.

"Please think about this. I don't want you to be hurt. I can't bear to see that. Please, report this. I just want you to be safe. Please." He pleaded, his own tears forming in his eyes. "I don't want you to be in danger. I'd rather die than see you in pain."

Rosé lifted her head and put her hand on his mouth. "Don't talk about death. That's bad." She said. He removed her hand and said, "Then please, report this. If not for yourself, for me. For your fans. For the people who love you."

Rosé sighed. She realised that Jungkook was saying the right thing, and if she doesn't report it now, it could get much worse. And she definitely does not want to see Jungkook hurting, her being the reason. That's the last thing she wants.

"Fine.. I'll report it." She concluded. Jungkook's face lit up with relief and happiness, hearing those words coming out of her mouth. He hugged her yet again and planted multiple kisses on her head.

"That's my girl." He proudly stated.


A/N : i know i said I'm on a hiatus but I really wanted to post this hehe.

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