chapter thirty six

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"You wouldn't report this to anyone if you know what's good for your sister. Or should I say, our sister."

"N-no!! Wait-"

Then the line cut off.

Soojin removed the phone from her ears and started crying even harder. She feels ashamed and guilty of the things she's doing. Rosé trusts and loves her so much, and she's toying with her emotions. Her heart feels heavy with guilt and embarrassment. She can't do anything about it, and it's making her feel powerless.

If there was any way she could help Rosé get out of the mess she has created, she would do it.

"Well, would you look at that." A voice said suddenly. She looked up in shock and found the person she feared to see the most.


He stood there in the doorway, hands crossed over his chest as he looked disgustingly at Soojin.

"If it isn't the beloved manager of my dear girlfriend." He said. Each words felt like a dagger to her. She was caught.


"Save your breath." He interrupted her, and she shut up. "You are the last person who should be doing all this– which is probably why you're the best person to do it. For how long have you been betraying Chaeyoung like this?" He closed the door of the recording room with a bang which startled Soojin.

"I-I can explain–"

"Yes. Actually, you will explain. Because I, for instance, cannot think of one reason why you're doing this. Is it for the money? You're already paid well. Fame? Well, I will understand that but I don't really know how you'll get fame by this. So why, Miss Soojin, are you playing with Chaeyoung's trust and love for you? And do not even try to deny it. I heard you speaking on the phone with your boss. He should have taught you to double check before hiring you." Jungkook roared. His voice was rough and loud, and if the studio hadn't been soundproof anyone standing outside could clearly hear him.

Soojin controlled her sobs. Her face was tear-stricken. Her heart was slamming inside of her. She quickly thought of ways to get away but she came up with none. There was no escape. He did hear her talking. She can't twist that.

"I don't have a choice." She said, finally.

"Explain." Jungkook ordered.

"My boss– he's not a stranger who hired me by money." She continued, after a pause. Jungkook was still standing with his arms crossed, only his face was sparked with confusion and curiosity mixed with mild anger now.

"What do you mean?" He asked again.

"He's... my cousin." Soojin said, eyes shut close as if she's disgusted by the relationship.

"What?" Jungkook asked, because whatever he was expecting– this was not it.

"Yes. He's my cousin." She continued when she got no more response from him. She took it as a sign to tell her full story.

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