chapter twenty five

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"Where are you taking me?" Rosé asked.

"Since we both aren't dressed up to go anywhere nicer, I thought of taking you to the river again." He said. "You didn't eat right?" He asked, glancing towards her.

"Nope. We were about to order when you popped in. And you know the rest."

"Okay good, cause I packed us some food." He said, smilingly.

"You did?" She asked, face brightening up like a little hungry baby. He laughed at her excited self. She always got so happy over food and he admired that about her. He loves a woman who eats good.

"Sandwiches, rice cakes, and Jin hyung's chicken skewers. Just the way you like them." He replied.

"Oh my god." She put her hand on her chest, and made a emotional expression. "I think I fell in love with you all over again." She dramatically stated.

Jungkook could only laugh at her cuteness. "Oh yeah? Isn't this the first time you're saying you're in love with me?" He asked, throwing his infamous smirk.

Her expression suddenly changed into mild panic and embarassment for a few seconds. "Well.. I didn't mean.. I mean I did.. but it depends on you.." She jabbered.

"Calm down babe." He cut her off, eyes on the road but his sly smile still plastered on his face. "I'm just messing with you. Also, I would be lying if I said I don't feel the same way."

Rosé relaxed and smiled at the man besides her. He put one of his hands on top of hers, holding the steering wheel on the other. He felt the coldness of her palm shift to his.

"Your hand feels so warm." She said, staring lovingly at his hand over hers and then intertwining their fingers.

"So hold on to it forever." He answered. She looked up at him to find him smiling towards her, quickly looking back at the road when their gazes met.

This was probably one of the best things that happened to her. They were so young, it's true, but they were in love as well. The way she felt whenever she was with him was probably the best feeling she ever experienced. Everything about him and them was the best for her.

They pull up near the banks of the river, him getting out of the car and opening the door for her like a gentleman. He also got the food and a small sheet for them to sit down and have a peaceful and romantic dinner.

"That's a nice spot." She pointed towards a comparatively neat and grassy area. He inspected it briefly, finally approving it and spreading their cotton sheet on the ground. They settled down and he opened the food that his hyung very generously and kindly packed for him.

"Oh my gosh. This tastes so good!" She exclaimed, as she took a huge bite of her sandwich, which made her cheeks puff up.

Jungkook chuckled with his own mouthful of food.

"What's funny?" She asked, innocently.

"You're just too cute for me." He replied.

"Stop teasing!" She whined.

"What? It was a compliment!"

They bicker like they always do whenever they're together. It's a relief that their equation hasn't changed because of their feelings. It's what keeps them together - they loved pushing each other's buttons.

So, under the starry night sky, these hopeless romantics enjoy their cliché dinner. Rosé lies down on the sheet after finishing up, followed by Jungkook, as they gaze at the twinkling stars above them.

"It's so beautiful." She mumbled.

Jungkook turned his head to look at her side profile.

"It indeed is." He replied.

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