Loved Ones Part 3

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(Eren's POV)

Days passed since Annie first set foot in my father's hospital. And she was starting to feel better. But I'm afraid that happiness of ours was to be cut short. And we both knew it. But we never expected it to be this early.

In the middle of the night I received a call from my father telling me to head into the hospital with Annie. We instantly got ready and headed there with the idea of the time being up haunting our minds.

When we arrived, Annie got off my bike and sprinted towards the hospital. When I parked and ran after her, I was told by a few nurses how she rushed through the hospital like a raging bull. I did not let myself slow down and immediately went after her.

Once I arrived into the room I saw her on her knees next to her mom's bed. Her head was buried into the table and her cries were painfully hearable.

Annie's mom looked at me with a little smile she was barely able to pull off. I looked at her and motioned to the door asking: "Do you want some alone time?"

"No." She answered. "Just close the door and come here. I want you to hear what I want to say."

I did like she asked and walked closer to her and just stood still, not knowing what else to do. All I could do was look at Annie and feel myself crushed from the inside.

"Annie..." her mother called. Annie did not get her face off the bedsheet and continued to cry.

"It's okay." Mrs. Leonhardt said. "Annie. I want you to listen, my dear."

Annie barely got her head off the sheets and stared at her mother with eyes swollen from crying. I felt that I too was going to burst out in tears soon.

"How's school?" She asked.

"F... Fine." Annie replied.

"Good. And are you making new friends?" Her mother asked.

"Y-Yes... I... I am."

"I could see you found yourself a nice gentleman." She said, smiling at me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Leonhardt." I replied.

"But I am too young for you to go! Don't leave me! Don't leave me like this!" Annie cried.

"I wish I could stay... And see you mature even more... It pains me to know that I will never get to see you finally graduate, get married... have kids." Her mother stated. "But... With that said, I am still proud of you. And I will always be..."

"Mom... Please! Not like this!" Annie cried.

"At least I will go... Knowing my daughter is safe and sound... With an entire life ahead of her. That is all a mother would want."

She then looked at me with a weak smile. I approached her knowing she wanted to tell me something.

"Eren... I do not have much time... You take care of my little angel. Promise me that..." She said.

"Yes ma'am. I promise you. I will never let her be in harms way, no matter the cost. You have my word." I replied.

"Don't go! Don't go! Don't go!!!!" Annie cried.

Her mother looked at her one final time and smiled.

"I love you sweetheart."

All of the sounds in the room faded away to the back of my mind when I heard the heart monitor start to beep slower and slower. My own heart rate intensified while Annie's mother slowed...

And then...

It flatlined.

Annie's cries were heard throughout the hallway. She jumped towards her mother and tried to wake her up screaming and crying. All her efforts were in vain as both of us knew she was gone for good. I myself started to tear up as I slammed my fist at the wall.

I pulled Annie outside. The thing that surprised me about her was how easy she complied. Not with the doctors, but with me. I was able to take her out of the room where I let her lie down on the ground with her back slumped over the wall.

Her face was buried on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her and let her cry. All I could do was try and comfort her, all while knowing my efforts are in vain. Her crying was loud. My heart shattered. My mind was empty, and the feelings of deep dejection filled my soul.

This world is cruel to her. It took away her right of a happy family and left her with nothing but depression and torment. And while thinking of that, my past actions came into mind.

All I have done to her in her past was bully her and make fun of her, adding insult to injury. Literally in this case. And I did that for the course of years.

It is my responsibility right now to take care of her and give her a happy life. And that I will. Not just because of an oath I made to her mother, but because I owe it to her.

My dad arrived with a cup of water. He handed it to me so I can give it to her while he walked inside the room to check on the nurses.

"Annie? Here. Drink this." I said, giving her the cup of water. She drank the water swiftly, not even stopping to relax. She drank the entire cup in one go and then placed it next to her on the ground.

"Listen. You... Are you the last relative of hers, or is there anyone else you know? We need to make the funeral arrangements." I said. Knowing it wasn't the right time, honoring her mother's death was the only thing on my mind.

"I'm the only one." She replied.

"Okay." I said, pulling her into a hug.

Annie started crying again, with me holding her as tight as I can. I didn't want to let her go. I wanted to keep her by my side for eternity. Nothing else. It was time for me to handle the responsibilities of my oath and keep her safe. And that is what I intend to do.

Wow... This is honestly truly no longer a fun, lighthearted love story... What am I writing?! Right guys! Anyways don't forget to Vote, Share and Comment. Have a nice day and Keep On Reading!

Eren X Annie: I Hate you but I Love you! - EreAniWhere stories live. Discover now