Always and Forever

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*Lauren's POV*

I take a seat by the fireplace, burying my burning face in my hands. The embarrassment that I feel at the moment for what had happened earlier at the bar. I just can't believe I did that. I threw up on the guy.

I don't want to be here. I want to run away as fast as I can away from the embarrassment... from everything. I just want to be with my brothers. I need them now more than ever. They've always managed to forget about my troubles.

I get up and walk around the compound and look up at the portraits on the wall. There was one of Klaus wearing clothes from a different century. He seems so serious, but then again he seems like he's been through a lot, that he's been broken and misunderstood.

I look at the other two paintings. One was of a blonde woman and another of a man with dark hair. Both of them wearing clothes from the same era as the painting of Klaus. Only difference is that they seem to have a softer expression on their faces than Klaus. Klaus seems like he's shielding his true emotions and showing another instead.

"Do those paintings catch your interest, love?"

I turn around to face Klaus who had completely changed into a clean set of clothes. "Something like that. " Who are the other two people on the other paintings?"

"They're my siblings. Rebekah and Elijah."

"Oh... I also have siblings.. I have two amazing brothers who mean the world to me. They may get on my nerves sometimes, but I love them so much and I'd do anything for them."

A small smile escapes my lips. Just thinking about Sam and Dean. Dean who had taken care of me and Sam while dad was out on a hunting trip when we were little. Sam who was also an amazing brother who had always helped me on my homework and my school projects. Or the time Dean got expelled for beating up some jerk who wouldn't leave me alone, though I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I could have taken care of it.

I remember dad had gotten upset once he found out what Dean did, but then I defended him and lied that we suspected he was possessed by a demon and all we were doing was our job as being hunters.

"I take it that three of you are close."

"We are. We're all that we have. My mother died in a fire when my younger brother was just a baby. And my dad had died a few years ago. So it's the three of us now."

" I'm so sorry..."

" It's fine. Death happens... Unless you buy him pizza or a burger. Only then he might consider sparing your life." I joked.

Klaus smiles. " Would you like to join me for dinner? My siblings won't be back until much later and I don't want to be alone."

" Sure, dinner sound great." I honestly say.

I haven't eaten in hours and for some reason, I've managed to wait so long to finally eat something. The beer from earlier was nothing and I ended up throwing up everything. I just feel horrible that it all went on Klaus.

I follow Klaus to the table. Our plates are already served and there was a lit candle on things center of the table. It all seems like he was attempting to win me over. He probably was doing so, or maybe not. Only time would tell I guess.

Like a gentleman, Klaus pulls out a chair for me.

"Thanks." I take my seat.

Klaus walks to the end of the table and takes his seat.

" Seems you've out quite the effort to try and impress me.. Except I haven't noticed you setting all things up, much less cook in such little time."

" What can say I'm a mystery."

I picked up a fork and decided to take the first bite of my pasta. And in the end, I devoured my meal as if I were at an eating contest, then ate about half the breadsticks on the table and let out a loud burp.

I immediately covered my mouth, feeling my face shift to the color of blood. " I'm sorry that was just gross." I couldn't believe I just burped like that in front of Klaus, he must think I'm disgusting.

I expected Klaus to cringe at my unladylike behavior, but instead he watched me the exact same way as he did over at the bar, as if I'm full of wonder and interesting to look at. I'm awfully curious what he's thinking of.

"No need to apologize, love. It's only natural for a human being to pass gas on either ends of the human body, is it not?"

I looked at him in surprise at his answer. Although what he's saying may be true, I don't really like to burp or fart in front of people that aren't my family. But I know that if Dean were here, he'd tell me not to give a crap ass about what other people think.

This would've come from a man who could eat at least five bacon cheeseburgers with fries, a milkshake and yet would always manage to have plenty of room for pie and yet still manages to look like a freaking male model.

"I suppose you're right." I smiled. "Except I don't normally like to burp or fart out in public, much less puke on a man I hardly know."

"Perhaps you couldn't help it. I Believe it must have been something you ate."

"Maybe.." I take a sip of my wine, when I've felt the sensation of my body rejecting it, so I decided to spit it out and push my glass off to the side.

I have a feeling that its not what I've eaten. The food love me as much as I love it and never in my life have I ever had problem with it. The same goes for pies and alcohol. So why all of a sudden, did it happen to me earlier with that one beer? And almost again just now with the wine?

" If you dislike wine, I could probably get you something else to drink. Water? Whiskey? Scotch? Juice?"

Water sounds good right about now, but if I want to see if I only feel nauseous with beer and wine or maybe just with alcohol in general.

" What else do you have that its alcohol?"

"Vodka, bourbon, champagne..." Klaus trails off and smirks. "I also have blood." He says as if joking.

I crossed arms and raised an eyebrow. " Blood? Do I look like a vampire to you?"

" Yes you do actually, a very attractive one I may add" he jokes.

"Not sure if I should accept the complement... I'm not really a fan of vampires."

" How come, love? Are you afraid of them"

" More like they should be afraid of me. I'll dagger them and rip off their heads in a split second." I try to sound like I'm joking around.

Klaus goes silent, yet again and gives me the same fascinated look on his face as before. And I'm awfully curious on what he may be thinking.

" Now about those drinks..." I've changed the subject about a long minute of awkward silence. " I'd like to have some of all of your alcoholic drinks."

" All of them?" Klaus gives me an odd look.

" I'd like to taste a bit of everything, to see if I like any of them.. I don't usually drink and I don't know much about alcohol, which is why I like to see if there's something I like." I lied.

I couldn't tell if he believed me or not, but didn't dare question me any further. So I assumed he believed me, which is a good sign. I couldn't tell him the truth and say that I was experimenting on alcohol beverages to see if they all make me sick to stomach, and that something supernatural may be the cause of this torment.

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