Face to face with the devil

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*Dean's POV*

Sam was stuck on his computer, doing some researches that could possibly  lead us to Lauren.  If we keep up this pace,  then she'd  might already be dead by the time we get to her. Damn angels. Damn Lucifer, the king of all dick heads.

"Anything yet Sammy?"

" Nothing yet." Sam sighs. " But I have a feeling we'll find our sister soon."

" Yeah, not at this rate we aren't." I lay on a twin bed and blankly stare at the ceiling. " We got to talk to Lucifer. I'm pretty sure that son of a bitch has our sister."

" We don't know that for sure, Dean. Look we will find Lauren, just don't lose faith."

I sit up and turn to Sam. " You're right Sammy, we will find her. One way or another."

I get up and head to the door. " Dean, where you going?"

" To go grab some beer and hopefully go get laid.. Want anything?"

" I'm good."

"Okay then, don't wait up." I grab my keys from the table and make way out.

I get in the Impala and start the engine. Baby growled in response as I backed away from the motel and drove off.

I'm sorry for having to do this, Sammy, but I'm going to go get some answers. I'm going to come face to face with that shithole and I'm going to make him bring our sister back from wherever the hell he's keeping her, even if it means breaking into hell in order to save her.

I've pulled  over at an old warehouse that was only half way across town from the motel. I turned off the impala and opened up the trunk to grab the holy oil.

I stepped inside the warehouse and pulled out a knife out of my sock. I pressed the blade against my palm and slit it. I winced slightly at the pain and used the blood to create an angel banishing sigil somewhere hidden. Next I formed a circle with holy oil on the ground and set it on fire. I have to be prepared for what is yet to come.

" Alright come on out you son of a bitch!" I called out to him. " Lucifer!"

The fallen archangel appeared right before my eyes. He stood right outside the burning holy oil. Well that went well.

Lucifer stared shortly at the flames then shot his eyes right at me. " Really Dean? Did you honestly believe I'd fall for that old trick?"

"My sister Lucifer, where the hell are you keeping her?"

"Whoa watch that tone of yours Dean. I thought we were on the same team here. The angels want Lauren because she is carrying my child. A Nephilim. My brothers and sisters believe that my unborn child is an abomination."

"Yeah. yeah. I'm fully aware that you knocked up my sister. Now tell me, where the hell is she?"

"She's safe Dean." Lucifer looked around and knocked some stuff over to reveal the sigil that I've made with my blood. " The angel banishing sigil? Really? We're on the same side, remember?"

I watch Lucifer destroy the sigil. " I'll never be on your side. Just give me Lauren. You decide. The easy way or the hard way."

Lucifer laughed at me as if there's no way I could defeat him. It is me, the hunter, versus him, a very powerful fallen arch angel  whose well known as the devil. If those winged dicks can't defeat Lucifer, then I guess there's slim chance I can defeat him also.

I'm a hunter, one of the greatest along with my siblings. We've  fought against ghosts,  evil spirits, monsters of all sorts, vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, and even angels because they are dicks.

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