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*Dean's POV*

"Lauren!" I call out to my sister. "Lauren where the hell are you?!"

Sam and Castiel followed me into the gas station, calling out my sister's name over and over again, but yet there was nothing but silence in return.

"Lauren!" Sam searched the bathrooms, but the only thing in there was a void. "Dean, she's gone. She's not in here."

Great. Just great.

This day just keeps getting worse by the minute. First those dicks who call themselves angels, ambush us out of nowhere, giving us accusations about Lauren and Lucifer and now I find out that my sister is gone.

"Dean. I can't find Lauren's location. I'm guessing the enochian sigil is marked on her." Castiel says. "I think someone doesn't want us to find her."

"And by someone do you mean the angels?"

"Maybe.. I don't know."

I punch my fist against the wall. I hate angels more than ever. Who the hell do they think they are for kidnapping my sister, and concealing her off from Cas. There's no way in hell my sister would ever be with the biggest dick out of all the angels and much less In a million years, would she ever have his child. I very much doubt that the angels would be right about a thing like this.. god I just hope this 'prophecy' isn't true.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a phone going off. Cas, Sam, and I quietly exchanged looks to one another We follow the sound of the ringing phone. Castiel spots it and grabs it. It was Lauren's phone.

He picks up the phone, his index finger, poking the screen. "Dean, it stopped ringing." The angel looks up at me as if I got the answers for everything. "What should I do?"

"Well try returning the call." I suggested, assuming that the caller had hung up right before Castiel had the chance to answer the phone.

"Dean, I don't understand how this works, Dean." Castiel tries to work his way through the phone.

"Give me that." I take the phone away from Castiel.

The phone was already on logs, only problem was that the call history was deleted. Dammit Cas, this call could've been important.

"Sorry Dean." The angel apologized as if he read my mind.

I took a deep breath, knowing he didn't do it on purpose. "It's alright, Ca-" before I could finish my sentence, Castiel was already gone.

I sighed a bit and focused back to Lauren's phone. I head back to home screen, finding a picture of a familiar face, touching Lauren's. My eyes widened in shock and my temper begin to boil up.

"Dean?" I hear Sam call out to me, but my focus is still on the screen. Sam looks over from my shoulder, and notices at what I'm looking at. His face just as shocked as mines. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Lucifer." I clench my jaw and threw the phone, hitting the window, bouncing onto the floor.

Without another word, I marched out of the gas station. "Lucifer!" I furiously called for the devil. "Where the hell are you, you son of a bitch?!" unsure if I'm supposed to face up to the sky, or down, I settled in facing the direction of hell. "Where the hell's my sister?! What have you done to her?! "I call out. " Answer me you son of a bitch!! Show yourself!"

"Dean!" Sam gabs my arms, pining me against the impala. "Get a hold of yourself. All you're going to do is get yourself killed. Look we will find Lauren. It's all that matters. Besides, we're not certain if Lucifer has her."

"Dude, I'm pretty sure he has something to do with her disappearance. The guy is on her phone for crying out loud."

"I'm sure Lauren would explain everything to us." Sam says, pulling out Lauren's surprisingly unbroken phone.

I take Lauren's phone from Sam's hand and open the passenger's door of the impala and leaned in to open the gone box. I've put the phone in there and got out. I quietly looked over at Sam and walked to the driver's side.

"Come on Sammy, let's go find our sister."

"Dude, we have no idea where to start looking."

" Well I'm sure Lucifer won't be much help , though I still think that dick has something to do with her disappearance, I know Cas would do his best to help us find her, though she's angel cloaked, which is something I'm unsure if it's a good thing or not. Sure the angels won't be able to find her, but what if she's in bad hands?"

"Well we'll have to find out ourselves. But for now, we can't do much but wait to find any leads to her disappearance."

I sigh and start the car. "Well I have a feeling she isn't in Kansas anymore."

The engine starts to grumble and I drive off. I know that Lucifer knows where she is, I just know it. The picture of him on Lauren's phone proves  that he  could be a suspect for my sister's disappearance. And now because of him, the angels want her. I'm going to find Lucifer and demand an explanation.

I want to know his relationship with my sister and if it's not too late, I'm going to try for the prophecy that the angels were talking to me and Sam about, doesn't happen. I prefer to burn in hell for all eternity rather than to let Lucifer get near her. Lucifer has to let my sister go,or I'll kill him.

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