The dead end

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*Klaus's POV*

It's been twenty-four hours since the birth of Lucifer Jr. and the death of Lauren Winchester. I knew it in my gut that Lucifer couldn't be trusted. He was up to something. And that something is letting Lauren die and kidnap his own child.

One thing I don't get if he truly loves Lauren, then why did he let her life slip away so easily? Why didn't he let her live? Why didn't he let me turn her into a vampire, so she could live? Something just doesn't add up.

Lauren could have lived. She could have been here with me and her brothers. I could have taught her how to be a vampire and how to control her urges. I could have had Freya make her a daylight ring so she could be able to walk in the sunlight.

But no. Lucifer just had to let her die. The night when he had interfered my dream, he had made it perfectly clear that he wasn't going to let me have Lauren so easily. It seemed like he wanted her all to himself.

Could that have been it? Could it be that if he can't have her, then neither could I? Did he let her die just, so no one could have her? Is he that selfish? Is he that cold? Of course, he is. He is the bloody devil. He does not know how to love. He knows more about lust and obsession than about love. If he truly have loved her, he should have let her live. He should have let her be with whomever she pleased. Love is about wanting nothing but happiness for the person you love, even if it hurts you in the end. But surely, the devil would not know about such a thing.

But what about his child? Why would he kidnap his child? Was he afraid that Lauren wouldn't want him near him? Did he know Lauren's wish was to have the gay angel, Castiel as the child's guardian rather than he, the biological father of the child?

Or could he have other intentions? The child must be very powerful, being the son of a fallen archangel and a human girl. He must be planning something big, something deadly like the apocalypse. Wait, is he planning to start a bloody apocalypse? End the human race. Is that what the bloody devil is up to?

It'll be merely impossible to stop him. Even more if he has Lucifer Jr. on his side. Who would be the ones to stop them? Lauren's dead, Sam, Dean, and the angel, along with me, Elijah, Rebekah, and Freya? Would we be enough to defeat them? Or would we be no match for them?

I don't even know how to kill an archangel nor an archangel and human hybrid. Wait, is it even possible to kill them? According to the bible, The Archangel, Michael was the one who was going to defeat Lucifer. Only he is the one who is powerful enough to kill the bloody devil. If we kill the devil, we end to apocalypse.

But what about Lucifer Jr.? Is he as evil as Lucifer? Do we kill him too? Do we kill him the same way as his father? Is he a danger to others? Or is he one of the good guys? No. I doubt it. With his mother dead and in Lucifer's care, the child might indeed grow up to be a monster. Like father, Like son.

With his son in his care, probably the archangel Michael could not defeat him. He'll need all the help he could get. The angel might be a skilled fighter, but, so is my family and the Winchesters. Together we are strong. Together there might be a chance to defeat Lucifer and his son, the Nephilim.

I step into the court yard where everyone was crowded around in a circle, watching Freya work her magic. There were about a dozen white lit candles set on the floor and a circle made out of salt.

We watch her as she touches Elijah to channel some of his power and begins chanting a spell in Latin. One that was supposed to summon her spirit. After a few chants she stops, opening her eyes, looking my way.

"I can't find her. It's like her soul doesn't exist."

"well try harder, she has to be somewhere in the other side." Dean desperately says.

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