i rant about the shipping community and probably piss some people off

790 20 14

Ok, so there's nothing really wrong with shipping, in my opinion. But, some people can ruin ships, for make them feel uncomfortable about them.

I know some people who don't really ship anything, and I can respect them. Yet, I think there's some people who may not. Shipping is pretty much all personal opinion, and not really shipping anything can count as an opinion. So you really shouldn't try to force shipping in people's faces. some people may not really be interested in shipping, and some may not enjoy it because of the communities. So please try to respect these people, K?

That brings us to our next part, communities. You've probably seen it before but shipping wars. There's two kinds of these, one that's fine, and one that's.... Not. It's fine to be in a friendly shipping war, one that just not flat out arguing. Bringing up evidence to compare two ships is fine. Like,

"Oh, I believe so-and-so is canon because..."

But it's not ok when

"nO. ONly *insert ship here* iS CaNOn anD yOURs iSNT bC IT sucKs. EW!"

That's the kind of stuff that can make a ship community toxic. And it's really sad sometimes, because some people are drawn away from ships not because they don't like it but just because of the community.

I personally admire people who can ship multiple things, even though they might have favourites.

So basically uhhhh- just respect people's opinions and just don't say anything if it's not good.

God this is cringey-

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