Chapter 23 ~ Can I Have This Dance

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Sofia's POV

Michael has been the best friend any girl could ask for, he answers every call and replies to all my texts. He comes to my flat unannounced to comfort me and always agrees to come over when I ask. He brings pizza, cans of coke, he even bought me some fancy cupcakes one time when I was feeling especially down.

Earlier on in the week:

I'd just bumped into Drew and Redhead Slut (who was wearing a tiny black dress that I would have worn as a top) and they were full on making out against Drew's car in the parking lot of the local supermarket. Who goes to a supermarket dressed like that, anyway?

I was planning on walking away the second I saw them but Redhead saw me and began cooing at me and screaming for me to come over.

"No hard feelings between us, right, Sophie?"

"It's Sofia." was my only reply.

"Oh, okay." She laughed flipping her long hair over her shoulder. "It's just he loves me, and I love him."

"Great." I say, forcing a half smile onto my face.

"So," Drew begins to say, speaking for the first time. "found anyone new?"

"Yeah," I say, immediately thinking of the pictures of me and Michael hugging.

"Oh, that punk kid from in that boy band?"

"He's not a kid." I defend, "He's 19."

"You're 20." argues Drew.

"So? It's legal!" I say without considering what it might sound like.

"You've had sex with him?" bursts out Redhead.

"No!" I gasp, shocked that she would even ask, and so bluntly. I have only ever gone that far with Ash because I loved him, I never did it with Drew because I didn't love him and it would've been wrong. I'm not even dating Michael! Let alone in LOVE??

I called up Michael when I got home, I was in floods of tears. I hand  been upset when I saw them but when I got home I curled up and cried, he was over me but I wasn't over the fact he cheated. He cheated on me.

I got cheated on.

Michael turned up like my angel in disguise, fallen from the heavens with a pink and white striped box. Inside sat six cupcakes. Two salted caramel ones, a red velvet one that was sat next to a chocolatey one that was oozing with chocolate buttercream.  My personal favourite was placed in the middle in between the two salted caramel cupcakes, it was the shop's own take on the Cadbury's Marvellous Creations Chocolate Bar but in cake form. It's covered in an icing that tastes like all the fruity jelly beans and has popping candy all over the top and in the mixture. It's complicated and strange but completely incredible. And then there's Mikey's favourite, the lemon and vanilla cheesecake cupcake, which looked amazing.

Only Michael would have thought to drop by at my favourite shop just for cupcakes to cheer me up. And cheer me up they did.

The company was also a great help as well.

Michael's the kind of person who lets you watch Disney films and he acts like he's not interested but every time you looks  at him he's mouthing the words to a song or you can even see a tear running down his face. He cried so much at the HSM3 finale. He'd never admit to it, he's punk, he doesn't cry at Disney, especially not High School Musical. But I know better, I know that he knows all the words to every song. So do I but...I'm a girl. That's my only excuse.

We curled up on the sofa to watch HSM3 but he leapt to his feet when Can I Have This Dance came on and he grabbed my hand.

Take my hand,
I'll take the lead.
And every step will be
Safe with me. He sings in his raw toned voice.

I join in in the chorus as we swirl around, the room a confusion of colour.

It's like catching lightning,
The chances of finding someone
Like you.

It's one in a million,
The chances of feeling the way
I do.

And with every step together,
We just keep on better.
So, can I have this dance.

Can I have this dance?

We sing, perfectly unharmoniously. I'm out of key but we don't care. We spin around and around to the music. Waltzing up and down my living room, emulating Gabbriella's and Troy's moves. We're awful. But I remember laughing and not being able to stop.

Are we just close friends? Or am I really falling for another 5SOS boy?

Heya, comment what you think of this chapter and make sure you vote, only 15 more and then you'll get ACACIA but I won't upload early unless YOU vote!!!!!

LOVE YOU and I'll try and upload tomorrow or Sunday. xxx

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