Chapter 27 ~ Now I'm The One Blame

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I HAVE BIG NEWS. I'm seeing 5SOS on June 3rd at Leeds First Direct. AAAAHH. I'M DYING OF EXCITEMENT. I'm going with a friend and we're sooo excited. BE JELLY. HEHE. What if Ashton sees me, what if Luke sees me, what if Michael sees me, what if Calum sees me? WHAT IF THEY SEE ME???!!!!! Getting overly excited, need to breathe. SUPER EXCITED.

Sofia's POV

Have you ever been blamed for the possible death of someone. I have. I am being. By Ash, but mainly by myself. They won't admit it and they try and hide it but Luke and Calum blame me as well. Who wouldn't?

It is my fault.

If I hadn't been so selfish as to need Michael constantly then he wouldn't have been on that road. He wouldn't have been hit. He wouldn't be in a hospital room dying.

If I hadn't have begged him to stay and watch High School Musical then he would have gone home earlier and then he wouldn't have been hit.

If hadn't have gotten cheated on then it wouldn't have happened.

If I hadn't have fallen for Ashton then we wouldn't have met. Then he wouldn't have needed to be on my road.

If only I had done my whole life differently then Mikey wouldn't wouldn't be dying and it wouldn't be my fault.

"Sofia." I look up, to see two hazel green eyes looking down at me. Ashton.

"Hey," I say weakly.

"I didn't mean it, what I said, about it being your fault. Chances are if it hadn't have been on your road then it would have been on another. If it hadn't have been that driver it would have been someone else. Ya know?"

"Yeah but it wouldn't have been my fault then." I sigh.

"No, it would have been mine or Luke's, or Cal's or Beth's. No matter what someone would have been to blame. But I don't blame you. I blame the guy driving the other car, I blame the rain, the dark. I blame every single string that makes the world work. I blame every god that ever existed."

"And me."

"Not you." He presses, "It's not your fault Sofia any more than it is mine."

I pull a confused face, "How is it your fault?"

"I introduced you two."

"Oh." I sigh. I guess he has a point. Maybe it isn't my fault he got hit by a car but it is my fault he was on that road.

I will forever blame myself for this.

No matter what they say.

I know it's super short but I don't want to write one long choppy chapter, short chapters work better with this book in my opinion so, I'm sorry it's not longer but the next one will probably be longer.



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