Chapter 24 ~ That Fight 2.30am

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Ashton's POV

I wish I could say that I didn't care at all about the fact that Michael was spending at lot of time with Sofia. But that's not  the case, it takes to time to fall out of love with someone.

I haven't fallen in love with Cass, but I do love her. As a famous musician (Taylor Swift) once said: we should love, not fall in love, because everything that falls gets broken. And I agree, I fell in love with Sofia and look how that worked out and yet I love Acacia and we're still going strong after 6 months. Yes, we have our fall outs and our 2.30am fights. But no matter what we make up.

With Sofia we didn't fight over anything, we fought over nothing, the stupid things. I argue with Cass over things that matter but it's infrequent and short-lived.

Now I'm not a fortune teller and can't say what the future holds but if I stay in love with Cass then we should work out. But I've got un-fall in love with Sofia so I can love with all my heart.

And although I want to, I'm finding it hard. Every time Michael answers his phone with 'I'm with Sofia' I see a red mist, the green monster flares in my stomach. I repress it but it's still there, lying under the surface.

And yet, I am glad. There's no one else more I'd like to see with Sofia than Michael. He's kind, funny, passionate, supportive as well as confident and a little fiery. All in all they are the perfect couple, although not at first glance.

My head and a little but of my heart wants them together. But the remainder of my heart hates it. And it's not what I want.

Out of the blue, my phone suddenly starts to ring, it's Luke;

"Hey Lukey."

"Can you come to the hospital?"


"CAN. YOU. COME. TO. THE. HOSPITAL?" Luke practically screams down the phone. "It's Mikey."

I hang up at his words and grab my keys and shoes and sprint to the car. I leap in and I drive like nothing else. Mikey NEVER goes to the hospital. He hates it there. He avoids it at all costs.

Something must be up if he's there.


I pull up outside the ominous grey building. It's so harsh against the trees, I run straight for the doors, catching sight of Luke's mom's car in the parking lot.

I yank open the doors and my eyes land on a group of people. Luke, Cal, Maxx, Claudia, Beth, Liz Hemmings. And a certain blonde haired girl. Sofia was here.

Luke runs towards me with Cal not far behind. We embrace tightly, the two boys shaking in my arms.

"Mikey got hit by a car. The other driver's okay, just some minor cuts and bruises. But cos Mikey's car's so old it couldn't protect him. He's unconscious and they don't know if he'll make it." says Calum, trying to sound calm.

"They kept saying something about a ruptured lung, or something." Luke sobs. This is awful, I've never seen Luke so upset.

"Where did it happen?" I ask.

"He was driving back from Sofia's, he was about 5 minutes away from her place."

I know I shouldn't but I hate her. This is all her fault. I turn to her.

"This is all your fault!" I yell, the tears streaming down my face, "If he hadn't been with you this wouldn't have happened!" I cry. Sofia just stands there and cries, she doesn't even retaliate.

"Ash," comforts Beth, "Come sit over here." She leads me to th  other side of the room. Everyone's staring at me in the waiting room. As I cry and sob hysterically. I let the tears fall.

I feel horrible. It's not her fault and yet it is. He wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for her.

Yeah. That happened.

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