Chapter 34 ~ Now I Know Why All The Trees Change In The Fall

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Sofia's POV

Don't you just love New York in the fall.

My favourite quote from my favourite film.

You've Got Mail. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

It's so true though. New York is stunning in the fall, it's only just the end of September but in New York you can smell October around the corner. There's that general buzz of excitement as the autumnal colours begin to work their way into every day life.

When I was little I always asked why the trees changed in the fall. I never knew. I never said fall though, it just sounds nicer. I said Autumn.

I thought my home city, Manchester in Britain, was pretty in the autumn. Nothing compares to New York.

In New York, the colours of the leaves are so much brighter, everything's so.crisp and fresh. The usual hub of people are so fascinating.

I can't deny the fact that I'm loving New York way too much than I should be. What started as a simple break is turning into the thought of a move. Something's stopping me. Something's holding me back from taking that jump and I'm sort of glad about that.

I love Australia and the people there make me miss it.

This break has been just what I needed but I want to go home. I want to find Michael and give him a hug because having this time alone has made me come to a decision on what to do with my life.

I'm not saying that I couldn't be with Calum. I'm just saying that he's not right for me. He's a great guy and many if he'd been the one on the beach that night then this would've been a whole other story.

I'm going home.


The flight home is like nothing on this earth. The thoughts running through my head tear me up inside.

What if Michael's found someone better?

Someone prettier?

What could have happened while I was away?

What if he doesn't want me anymore?

The anxiety eats away at lining of my stomach. This isn't butterflies gently fluttering against the walls of the body. This is giant sized, overly violent moths making a meal and a half out of my stomach. I feel sick as though I'm going to throw up everywhere or faint as soon as I try to stand.

I've reached the point where I've worked myself up too much. My heart beats erratically as I step of the plane, my hands shaking as I grip the banister.

"Are you alright?" asks an elderly American lady behind, "Sweetie, you seem very shaken up."

"I'm okay." I manage to breathe out, my voice catching as a speak.

"Poor thing," I hear her whisper to her friend. "Probably meeting her boyfriend or something. I remember being like when I first let my family to visit my Freddie over here."

That last bit made me smile.

"Sweetie?" She asks,

"Yeah?" I croak.

"Are you meeting your man?"

"Maybe? If he still wants me?" I reply shyly.

"A pretty girl like you? Of course he'll still want you!" she encourages and her friend nods her head so violently, I'm worried her frail neck may snap at the movement.

"He'd be stupid if he turned you away." says the nodding lady. "Although, I've got a lovely grandson, so if doesn't work out with your man come to the Olive Garden Cafe at 11am til 1pm on any day, you'll find us there. Or even if it does work out, come see us."

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