Implosion and Creation

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Natasha's P.O.V.

Dinner had been an awkward situation and gathering around the fireplace hadn't made things any easier. I decided to excuse myself to my room, where I started to research the mysterious assassin that put me in this situation. I had gotten in contact with some of the more savory characters of my Red Room days, along with some contacts that I had within the Kremlin, before my side to protested and I decided to call it a night. Of course, with me, a good night's sleep does not mean a peaceful night's sleep.

I woke up with a gasp and pointed the knife that I had stashed under my pillow in the direction of the person who had woken me up, who just turned out to be Cooper Barton. Unsurprisingly, he began to cry when the point of the knife was leveled with his throat. This caused Laura and Clint to both run into the room, while I was still trying to deal with all the stimulation that is surging through my body.

Before long, the crying sounds became more muffled and I looked up to see that Cooper and Laura were gone, but Clint was still there sitting in the bay window staring at me.

"I told you that this was a bad idea, I don't belong here," I said, moving toward my duffle bag to get my cuffs.

"Use these instead," he said tossing a pair of padded cuffs toward me. "Besides, it's not your fault anyway. Cooper said that you had been making sounds for a while, I had my aids out so I couldn't hear."

"Thanks, but I won't need them for long. I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"Why?" He asked, a shocked expression on his face.

"Did you not see the knife that I was holding to your nephew's throat, I'm dangerous."

"You're not dangerous, I mean you are but only when you need to be. But on a normal day-to-day basis, you aren't harmful to those around you, unless they deserve it of course," He said a smirk appearing on his face before it went back to a somber expression. "What happened tonight was a freak incident and I don't blame you for your reaction, you were being woken up from a nightmare in an unfamiliar environment. I would be more concerned if you didn't act in a defensive way."

I roll my eyes and go to lay down, "Easy to say from a man that didn't attack a civilian."

"You think I haven't done something like that. The first few months every time Coulson would try to wake me up for our morning lessons, I'd have him pressed against the wall before I was even fully conscious. Hell, I did the same thing with Laura when I stayed here after Barney's funeral. Felt horrible about it, but she understood that I couldn't necessarily help it, after that she had a talk with Coop about not waking me if I had nightmares, something I should have done for you, so technically this is on all me."

I heard a soft thud and look to see Clint sitting in front of the door with a blanket around his leg. "What are you doing?"

"I'm staying here for the night. Figured it would help you sleep a little easier if you knew that I was separating you from the rest of the house. You know, in case you turn into some crazy killer machine, which I know you won't, but you know." He shrugged his shoulders before leaning his head back of the door.

"I don't know what kind of broken toy fetish you have, but I'm not going to be a part of it," I said, moving so that my back is to him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard what you said to Laura earlier. I'm not looking to have any kind of relationship; besides, you wouldn't want to have a relationship with a black widow, their mates usually wind up dead."

"Good thing I'm not looking for a relationship with a Black Widow, I'm looking for a relationship with Natasha, and contrary to what you may think, I don't think that those two are one in same."

In my head, I could already see the look that he had on his face. The look that he gets any time he tries to convince me that I was anything more than what I was created to be, a tool to be used by whatever organization controlled me. Whether that organization treated me like they did at the Red Room or how they treated me at SHIELD, that's all I would be, a tool. I didn't know how to have any other than above a professional relationship with someone. I knew how to flirt and seduce and that was it. For some reason though, even with all the truths, I knew about myself the look that Clint gave me, that look of hope scared me. I wasn't sure if it was because I knew that I was just a weapon, or if it was because I was scared that there was a possibility that I actually could be something more than what I thought I was. That somewhere inside me there were still remnants of the girl that the Red Room had tired in every way possible to rip out of me.

You've spent your whole life in the realm of the unknown and dangerous, this isn't any different. I hated that I was right, and I hated even more that the idea of perusing something more with Clint actually excited me.

"You know what Barton?" I asked, moving so that I could look him in the eyes, and yes, he was making The Face.


"How about I take you up on that offer. I'll let you try and date, or court, or woo, or whatever is your chivalrous version of persuing me and we'll see if it works out."

"And what happens if I don't manage to woo you. I've seen and been involved with enough negotiations that I know there's a second half to your deal, so what is it?"

"If you don't manage to ensnare me, you'll stop with the whole act about how I still have some sort of virtue within me, and that I am not the monster that you and I both know I am."

"Alright, I'll take you up on that deal, but I hope you like the taste of defeat," The confidante look on his face made me want to both smack him and kiss him....this was going to a lot harder than I thought it would be.

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