We'll Be Home For Christmas

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A.N. I just want to say there is a section in this story that goes against actual history, but I'm ignoring it for stories sake, and I think it may have been teased at a bit in the comics, but just a little heads up. Also, sorry for the kind of late update, this chapter was just a little hard for me to write.

Natasha's P.O.V.

"You know, you don't have to do this if you don't want to," Clint told me for what I was sure was the fifteenth time this week as he put the car he had rented in to park in Laura's driveway

"I know, but I want too, besides, Laura will be happy to have an extra hand to keep you and the kids in line." I joked, resting my head against Clint's shoulder, enjoying our little slice privacy that I am sure would become extremely rare over the next two weeks. "Also, I think at this point it's a little too late to turn back."

Clint kissed my forehead before getting out of the cars and moving to get the presents that we had brought for Laura and the kids, though I took care of Laura's stuff while Clint handled Lila and Cooper. The minute that Clint closed his door Cooper burst out of the house, bounding through the fresh snow that I'm sure had just recently fallen.

"You might have eyes like a hawk, but I swear Cooper has ears like a hawk." I joke in my native tongue. Clint had apparently been studying the language since I had officially been cleared for service by SHIELD.

Clint just chuckled while I tried to keep Cooper from seeing what was in the trunk, "Hey Coop, do you think you can show me to your uncle's room, I think that I'm a little fuzzy on where it is." The now four year took up a gleam at the thought of being able to show me around the house again. He grabbed me by the hand and began to tug me toward the house, where Laura was just about to open the front door.

"Cooper Issac Barton! What did I tell you about running outside without your coat and scarf on?" The matriarch called to her son.

"But mooom, it was uncle Clint and his girlfriend." The tone that the boy used to describe Clint and I's relationship was a cross between teasing and surprise, although given Clint's behavior the second does seem reasonable.

"I don't care if it was Santa Clause himself out there, you need to have your winter clothes on. You can't play with uncle Clint if you're sick in bed."

The boy grumbled but didn't make any other attempt to disagree with this mother.

"Hi Laura," I hugged her with my one free hand. I had warmed up to the women during my recovery period at the farm. "Um, I think Clint might need some help getting stuff out of the car."

Laura just shook her head and went outside, muttering something about not spoiling the kids. Meanwhile, Cooper began to pull me in the direction of Clint's room and informing me about what was supposed to go on in the house tonight.

"And then, we're going to watch a movie, though it'll probably be something girly. Mom did say no Disney though."

I filed away the Disney comment for later. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with girly stuff. I mean you're uncle does gymnastics and a lot of people consider that girly, and I danced for a long time, but am I girly."

"Well, no but-"

"No buts, a lot of time the girly things are good, because they make you faster, remember that okay." The boy nodded and then ran out of the room, almost running into this uncle.

"Dang, mommy Nat coming out," Clint said, shutting the door before beginning to unpack his bag.

I tried not to let the sentence get to me, it's not like he knew. I knew I needed to tell him, but he was so family oriented that I was scared if I did, he would leave.

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