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A.N. Can I just say how blown away I am by the fact that this story has over 2,000 votes on it. I just want to thank everyone, from those of you who have been there back when I first started this story about five years ago to those who started reading during the revival I had almost nine months ago.

Clint's P.O.V.

"I see that you can back without too many wounds," Nat said as she sat next to me. I had been sitting on the porch swing watching Lila as she ran around the yard and making sure that she wasn't getting into anything she shouldn't have; Cooper was currently inside helping Laura get dinner ready as part of his punishment.

I glanced down at the bandage that was wrapped around my elbow, it was of course purple. "Yeah, I would have brought a copy of my last SHIELD blood test but figured that the whole terrorist status thing would maybe invalidate that credibility," I joked.

I looked to my right and saw Nat crack a small smile – she's always liked my dry humor whether or not she would always admit it is another story - before resting her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my right arm around her and began to play with her hair.

"I could live with a view like this forever," Nat commented after a few minutes, watching the sunset. "Reminds me of the winter nights in Saint Petersburg, almost a whole month of twilight nights."

"Do you ever miss it?" I asked, "Russia, I mean." 

Nat shrugged, "It was pretty and there were some good aspects, but it's defiantly not somewhere I would willing go. I like this view way too much to change it," Nat looked up at me, a soft look on her face.

"You know we could keep this view forever, there's enough spare land to build another house if you wanted. I could look into it after I repair the porch, I promised Laura that I would make it a little safer before the possible kid comes. I'll probably work on it when I have to come back in a month when they finish running all the tests on the samples that they took."

Nat shook her head, "The idea is nice, but I don't think I could actually retire."

I just hum in response and after a few minutes of comfortable silence Lila can running up to the porch.

"Uncle Clint, Auntie Nat, there's a strange guy in the barn that wants to talk to you," Lila said, her voice filled with innocence.

I looked out of my peripherals and saw Nat with a gun already on her – I don't even know where she got it from. "Okay Lila, why don't you go inside and tell your mom what we're about to do," Lila nodded and ran inside, "And now when we get back we're having a serious conversation about stranger danger," I muttered as Nat and I headed toward the barn.

"At ease," I heard an all too familiar voice say as we entered the dimly lit barn.

"What do you want sir?" Nat asked, lowering her firearm.

"Just wanted to give you a little heads up that you may be getting a call from Rogers or Stark trying to get the band back together," Fury asked, leaning back against the old tractor that sat in the middle of the barn. I really need to fix that thing.

"While that's nice sir, you're not the kind to just drop in with helpful hints so what's the real reason you're here." I tried not to let my frustration seep into my voice, but I can't help it I just wanted a few months to not have to clean up someone else's mess.

Fury sighed -- clearly I wasn't doing that great of a job. "The Hulk."

Nat stepped forward, gun now stowed and arms over her chest, "Isn't Banner living in the Tower with Stark and Rogers?"

"It's not Banner I'm worried about. The Hulk is uncontrollable and –"

"You want someone who can tame him?" I asked. "Well good luck with that."

"That's why I came here. Banner is still in Hulk and if someone could get close enough to him -"

"They might be able to calm the beast?" Nat asked head cocked in interest.

Fury responded with a nod.

"Oh no, no, no, no. I'm not going to let that happen." I said, partially stepping in front of Nat.

"I thought that you said that you and Agent Romanoff's relationship wouldn't get in the way when a job needed doing."

"Well I don't know if you missed the whole crash in the Potomac and you know, your death, but SHIELD isn't really a thing and when I check my bank account it reflects that too. So you aren't really in the position to order us around. Suggestion or requests yes, orders no."

"Calm down Clint," Nat said, placing her hand in mine, "Like it or not Nick's right. Hulk is a loose cannon and he could make clean up a hazard. Besides I'm a big girl, I'll make sure that I don't go too fast too soon."

I sighed, "I'm not gonna talk you out of this am I?"

Nat shook her head, a sideways smirk on her face.

"Alright, but," I gave Fury a pointed look, "You aren't allowed to stay for dinner."


I was woken up, not by an overly excited Labrador, a half-asleep Nat who loved cuddling, or a blinding ray of sunlight in my eye, but rather by my pillow vibrating underneath me.

I groan and put my hearing aids in before answering the phone. "Hello?" I asked, still groggy and not really wanting to be awake right now.

"Morning Legolas, I'm guessing you haven't had your morning cup of joe yet?" A voice belonging to a rich now retired playboy, if the news articles where anything to go by, asked.

"What do you want Stark and how did you even get my number?" I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes but that wasn't really working.

"Don't mind how I got the number, but Cap and I have been following the slimy trail Hydra left behind and we're kind of getting to the point where we need a few more helping hands." I couldn't understand how Tony could sound so awake right now. Probably never went to sleep.

"Fine, I'll be there by tonight. Is there anything else?"

"Yeah, I tried calling our dearest Natalie, but she didn't answer," Probably because her phone died last night and she didn't bother turning it back on after putting it on the charger, " So if you could do your whole spy voodoo and figure out where she is and get the message to her that would be great."

"I'll see what I could do," I respond, "Now I'm going to see if I can't get some more of the sleep you so rudely took from me." I hung up. Goddamn Fury why did you have to be right?

I turned over and nudged Nat awake. "Hmm?" She asked, curling up to my bare chest.

"Just got off the phone with Stark, said he and Cap were getting to the point where they needed all hands on deck. Told them I could be there tonight and that I would try to get in touch with you."

"Well," Nat said, waking up a little more, "Vacation couldn't last forever."

Yeah, but did it have to be this short?

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