Triple Agent

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Natasha's P.O.V.

"Hey, Nat. Do you mind if I join ya'll for lunch?" Bobbi asked as she and Clint arrived at Clint and my's normal table.

"Yeah, feel free. It's kind of starting to become a madhouse here." Bobbi and I had gotten close to each other over the past few months that she had been stationed at the Triskelion. Fury seemed to be trying to move most of the spec-op agents to the new sight, though rumors were that it was mainly going to be a holding area before he ships them off to one of the new bases of ships that he's rumored to be making.

"You're telling me, I had to practically trip someone in order to get a spot at the running track this morning."

Like all SHIELD facilities, the triskelion had a training facility for the agents stationed there, but since the building was meant to be more off an office building/headquarters the facilities weren't handling the excess amount of field agents.

"That's why 'Tasha and I just work out at the gym at our apartment complex."

"Mine doesn't have that, but lucky for me I'm about to sent to Georgia for a mission, that will likely result in me going to England for a bit." The blonde woman said, digging into her salad.

"What for?" Clint asked, picking up his pizza.

"There's some British special forces guy that's taking his leave here, but his unit is supposed to be trying to track down the Ten Rings. Apparently, the guy has some pretty loose lips around pretty women, so it shouldn't be that hard to keep a steady stream of info from him." Bobbi gestured at me with her fork. "I'm kind of surprised you didn't get the op, it fits your MO, no offense."

"None taken. I got an op kind of like that actually, but with a slightly more high-profile target."

"Oh, who?" Bobbi asked leaning forward so that she could hear me better when I answered, though in this case whispering probably wouldn't be needed given how loud that cafeteria was.

"Tony Stark," I whispered slightly louder than normal, I also made sure to subtly sign the name just in case Clint couldn't fully hear what I was just said.

"Wow," She leaned back a little in her chair, "Does it have to do with that thing that Fury is trying to set up?"

I looked, no glared at Clint. It wasn't that I was upset that Bobbi knew about the initiative, but more to do with the fact that Clint had leaked what was technically level nine information.

The man held up his hands, "So in my defense, I told her while we were still married and felt like that was something that she needed to know. Also, in my defense, pretty much everyone in spec-ops at this point knows that Fury is making some kind of team, Bobbi just happens to know a few more details."

I shake my head a little, "Yeah, that's pretty much it, I'm supposed to give an evaluation of whether or not he should be a candidate for the program. Fury seems on board with the idea, for what reason I don't know, I mean have you seen how the man acts, I wouldn't trust him to defend a Lincoln Logs fort, let alone whatever Fury has in mind. It's the World Security Council though that is really causing the headaches, rightfully so, they don't think the man could be trusted and thus the need for an evaluation."

"Ohf, that sounds rough," Clint said.

"Oh yeah, it's going to be at least a few months of posing as a paralegal at SI, but hopefully the whole Stark Expo thing will make things go quicker."

"At least you're going to be in Malibu, for the most part, sun and fun all day, right?" Bobbi joked.

"I'll take gloomy England and bland food over having to babysit a billionaire every day. I still don't understand how that country managed to invade and colonize that every country that had spices but didn't decide to bring the spices back."

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