Building Bridges

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A.N. Sorry for the length of this chapter, I just wanted to make sure that I got something out to you guys this week. Don't worry though, the next chapter will be filled with some bonding between Clint, Natasha, and Steve.

Clint's P.O.V.

I heard the door to the apartment close and turned around where I was sitting on the couch so I could see Nat coming in.

"How was the mission?" I asked.

I didn't need an answer as Tasha just stalked past me and went to our room, where I heard her bag slam against the ground, and then what I could only assume was her body hitting the bed.

"That great huh." I followed Tasha into the room where she was laying in bed on her stomach. "Want to tell me about it?" I asked as I straddled her hips and began to massage her back.

"Well besides the subject of the mission and Rumlow's comments about me, the main issue was the stick up Rogers's ass. I mean he was uptight even when he went with me to see Hunter... Speaking of which remind me to text him later about the assignment Hartley just got, he might be interested."

"Yes, ma'am," I responded, leaning forward and kissing the side of Tasha's neck. "So, um...this would be a bad time to tell you I invited Rogers over for Thanksgiving." I leaned back onto my heels, for which I was grateful because the moment I told Tasha my plans she whipped her head around so quickly I was scared she'd get whiplash.

"You what?" She asked, getting out from under me.

"I invited him over...Come on, don't give me that look. You and I both know we can't go through it alone this year, especially given the date it's on." This year Thanksgiving fell on the anniversary of Alec's death; which, normally I could handle on my own, but given the events of the past couple moments I knew I wouldn't be able to provide the support I needed to, at least not alone. "Besides, the man doesn't have anyone else. I mean it would be like you went down on a mission and when you woke up me and Coul-" I didn't even finish the sentence and the two of us avoided eye contact for a few seconds before Nat sighed.

"All right, fine but I get to choose the main course."

When Coulson and I were first working together, he insisted that I get to experience a normal Thanksgiving. Well, that normal Thanksgiving took place on a holdover day from a mission, so while we managed to scrape together enough supplies to make all the sides that were needed for the dinner, none of the stores near us had any turkey. So, for my first normal  Thanksgiving, we had chicken masala for our main course. Well, that tradition of having a non-turkey dinner continued and even evolved when Nat and her interesting flavor pallet got introduced.

I sighed in resignation, "Alright, what are you thinking for this year?"

"Burgers and burritos," Tasha said, crawling into my lap.

I smirked up at her, "I knew I would rub off on you someday."

Nat chuckled, "Hey, I like the spice and ketchup."

"Sure, you can lie to me if you want. Speaking of which I may have not been completely truthful on all the reasons that I wanted to invite Rogers over."

Nat cocked her head at me, "Oh do tell."

I rested my head against her shoulder, "I may have also wanted to make sure that Roger's would be a good partner for you, Captain America be dammed."

"Is someone a little jealous?" Nat asked, running a hand through my hair.

"No, I just want to make sure you're safe. Besides, you would do the same if the situation was reversed."

"Yeah," Nat replied, getting off the bed and getting ready to take a shower, "But that's mainly because you manage to end up dating just about everyone you're partnered with." Nat got to the bathroom door and leaned against the door frame. I will admit that at this point it was a little hard to focus on what she was saying and not her instead. "Good thing about that not jealous thing either, because there may or may not be a rumor going around that Rogers and I are a thing," Nat stated before slipping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

"Wait, what happened on that mission?" I asked getting off the bed only to be met with laughter from Tasha.

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