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Clint's P.O.V.

"You ready for a nice life of retirement?" I asked, glancing across the bed. We had begun clearing out our respective floors, preparing to return to the farm

"Oh yeah," Nat said, standing up from the dresser drawer she had been emptying. Her legs were tensed and when combined with the hesitation that she responded to my question I knew something was wrong.

"What are you hiding 'Tash?" I asked, moving to stand in front of her.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking."

"You might be the Black Widow, but I know your tells Nat, something is wrong."

Nat sighed and ran a hand through her hair, separating some of the curls, "Rogers asked me if I would help train the new team."

"And you said yes." The truth of the situation broke my heart, but I didn't surprise me. All Nat's known is this business and it can be hard to shake; I wasn't going to get mad at her for doing what made sense and what made her comfortable.

"I mean it'll only be until everyone gets accustomed to the big league and besides that Wanda needs some sort of female guidance for that testosterone fest. I promise it'll be a few months tops, just think of it as a long mission." Neither of us were going to point out the lie that was hiding under the surface of Nat's response, we would rather enjoy the current time we have now and savor the idea that she had presented. "But I mean we still have a couple of weeks before everything is finished so. I might even be able to be there for when Nathaniel is born."

I wrap my arms around Nat's waist, pulling her closer to me, "Whatever happens we'll always be here for each other, besides we've had missions long than this...we'll be okay."

"It's crazy. I mean Banner's MIA, Thor's probably going to go home, Stark's retiring, we're retiring. All that will be left is of the old group is Cap."

I had to hold back a laugh at the mention of Stark's retirement, the chances of that happening are about as slim as Nat actually retiring – the two of them were way too similar.

"Well then I guess you better send the newbies through the gauntlet, and maybe scare some of those new SHIELD recruits I heard would be there too."

"Is that some jealousy I hear ex-Agent Barton?" Nat got up onto her tip-toes giving me a brief peck on the lips before giving one of her signature teasing smirks.

"Of course not, jealousy is for children," I stated, repeating Nat's actions, "Now let's finish up here before Tony's third favorite redhead reports on us."

"She's a computer program Clint she doesn't have a hair color."

"Yeah, but you've heard her accent she's totally a redhead."

Nat just laughed and threw a balled-up t-shirt in my face, before getting back to the task at hand. Yeah, I wasn't upset at Nat working with the new team, because I knew that they would never see the side of her that I get to.


Nat's P.O.V.

"You ready or are you going to keep staring at that wall. I mean it is a pretty interesting wall," Rogers said, walking into the room.

I put my phone away. Clint had just sent me the first video of Nathaniel at home and I would be lying if I didn't say my heart didn't ache at the sight. I knew that I could right now say I'm done and no one would be mad at me, but the Maximoff girl's vision continued to make me question if I deserved that life or if I would be a danger in any field but the one I was already in. I knew that it hurt Clint to see me keep working. He had even volunteered to stick around and help me before he boarded the flight to Iowa, but I told him that he needed a break – I could see how the incident with Pietro had shaken him – and besides that Laura would need at least one extra pair of hands around to help juggle the newborn and the kids.

"Are you and Barton okay?" Steve asked taking a step closer.

"Yeah, yeah. He knows how it is, knows that I'll always come back home. This is just a part of work and life you know."

Steve nodded stoically, "Well let me just say as an expert in this field, make sure that work and life don't get in the way of love. You'll regret it if it does."

I nod, take a deep breath and plaster a smile onto my face, "We'll enough about my love life, let's focus on getting this new team into shape so maybe we can both finally retire."

The two of us make our way to the walkway that surrounds the hanger bay where the new recruits would be waiting for us, and based on the less than smooth landings they all made as the two of us walked into the I knew we had our work cut out.

I looked over and saw from Steve's facial expression he was thinking the same things as he opened his mouth, "Avengers-"

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