Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I don't have words to describe the rest of the evening. I spend my life hating vampires but I couldn't get myself to hate her. I don't trust or like Vampires, but when I was with her I had to keep reminding myself that she was a vampire...I rather enjoyed her company. She was not at all what I expected, she came across as a normal woman, engaging in normal conversation, liking normal things and disliking normal things. With her beauty, intelligence and sense of humour, she had me captivated.

I knew she was a vampire but she didn't give it away or acted like one, just as I knew she was a queen and yet she was down to earth and didn't pretend to be higher than anyone else or stuck up. She was rich and knowledgeable but she never threw it in my face or acted like she was better. Vampires are very condescending and have this belief and attitude that they are better than humans and humans are nothing more than food, sex toys and slaves, but she didn't act like that at all. By the end of the night I had relaxed and enjoyed myself, and my own surprise, I wanted to see her again.

I didn't want to come across as desperate or give anything away, so I didn't ask for her number. I figured that seeing how she was at the club on the very first night I came here, I would see her here again, and that's why I returned the following night...but she didn't come. I couldn't explain if my disappointment was work related or if I was genuinely disappointed not to see her. At least this time I came prepared, I brought the laptop with that belonged to Alex, so while I waited I went through his documents.

The one thing that caught my attention was a book he was working on, a book about Aurora and notes about her life, her history and her I started reading it. By the end of his book I was seriously doubting myself, doubting my own feelings and thoughts. Doubting if what I believed and what I fought for was even real. If believing that Aurora was different then Vampires I grew up hating, I would have to believe that there were Vampires that were not monsters and humans, like me...we were in fact the real monsters.

I had doubts, my doubt was fuelled with an urgency to proof that Aurora is a monster and not the kind, gentle sweet woman I encounter the day before.

I needed to keep sane, I needed to proof to myself that I wasn't losing my mind, I wasn't going soft, All vampires are monsters, and to do that I needed some kind of proof Implicating Aurora in something Evil.

The one thing that stood out was the owner of this laptop, Alex Monroe, who disappeared without a trace. Why would his personal belongings just be laying in her old apartment. Reading his work, understanding how vampires do things, I believe he has either been turned into her Vamparic or he is dead. Either way... That would be reason enough for me to kill her.

I didn't see Aurora that night, nor the following night, but from Alex's descriptions I figured out that Sabastian was always at the club, I even noticed The General from Alex's description, who also dropped by a few times.

On the third night, Aurora was a no show once again, but I was surprised when Sabastian slid onto the coach, next to me. He caught me by surprise and propped his head up, elbow on the table, and just stared at me... Making me feel uncomfortable. Not saying a word, just a slight smile forming in the corners of his mouth.

Me: "Uh-hum, can I help you?"
I needed to be careful around this one, from Alex's notes Sabastian was a real charmer and liked to use seduction. I didn't want to be placed in a position where he tried using his seduction on me and I didn't fall for it... He would know somethings wrong and my cover would be compromised.

Sabastian: "I don't know, can you?" he laughed.

I gave him a confused look, not that I was a good actor, I really didn't know what he was on about.

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