Sheep-skinned swag

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When I took of my my sponge-like sheep skinned swag 

And I wasn't like the others, with my heads up in the clouds 

I absorbed the looks of a thousand 

I had watchful eyes from the whole crowd 

I was barked at, circled and chased as they came down on the easy target

Why an earth would one sheep step away from the herd?

Having my own-will made me look dangerous,  I had to be guarded 

During the round-up it's easy to run away together 

It's the easy option to stick to the herd 

It's hard to break away on your own and you will most likely be captured 

When I removed my sheep-skin swag 

I was a victim to being different and victim to being rejected 

And my difference made them all hold up the red flag 

Barked at,  preyed on and the crowd stay well away 

They knew if they came to me they would be different and rejected too 

This made the herd afraid 

I threw my sheep-skin swag to the ground and went on my own way. 

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