Naked knows

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I stripped you of your human rights 
The moment you stripped me and made me feel inhumane 
I stripped myself of holy water 
Wearing my saffron is becoming mundane 
I wonder how much more I will be stripped 
Until they strip me bare to my medium rare flesh 
My heart without shelter, these beats without rest  
Naked, naked they always want me 
Stripping me to the bone 
My clothes bundled on my bedroom floor in a mess 
Naked, naked they always want me 
They want to see my freshly cried tears 
They want to strip me of my hand-knitted jumper 
That I rebuilt over the years
They want to have me bare and understand the functions of my brain
So as quickly as I place a plaster on my cut 
They can remove the plaster again 
Naked and vulnerable 
Growing in pain 
My naked bloodied feet do not turn backwards on the stoney path 
Easy isn't rewarding although it may be a laugh 
When life doesn't strip me I strip myself 
Vulnerable to all flows 
Bare floating on the tide letting it take me where the river goes 
The toughest paths are the most rewarding 
That's something only the naked knows

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