The Beginning

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It's a beautiful day, with the singing of the birds and the wind blowing everyone's hair.I sit there beside my brother, waiting to arrive to our new house.
"We're here Ruhi" my older brother James shouts which makes me jump out from my seat.I open the door and see the house which looked more like a castle.I walk towards it and notice that the house lived as if under constant-shadow, as if the sun's rays never reached those black windows.I open the door, as it made a creaking noise.The house was massive, but it was filled of a musty smell.It was dim and uninviting.I cringed at each creak of the old, warped stairs as I walked upstairs.Halfway up, a shadow flickers at the corner of my vision, and there I was standing frozen.

"Ruhi"the silence breaks like pieces of glass
"Aren't you going to help me with the suitcases?"he adds,I ran downstairs as every footsteps gets louder and louder.
"Wait let me help you"I said as I was panting.

Later that day, after having dinner with James, I decide to get some sleep.I lay on my bed, as I immerse myself into the silence.My eyes slowly close...

"Help!Help, please someone"I scream on top of my lungs as the river kept on dragging me.Suddenly a boy runs and dives into the river and swims towards me.He grabs me as he puts my arm around his shoulder.He then swims and takes me back to the land.
"Hey are you ok?"he asks with those black eyes as deep as the abyss of the sea.
"Yes thanks for saving me"I smile
"How can I repay the favour?"I ask
"Promise me that when you grow up you'll allow me to take your soul, and you'll sacrifice yourself to me"
"Promise"I smile, but the thunder gets louder and louder and louder...

Crash!I get up all sweating.I run as fast as the light towards my brother's room.I open the door and see blood everywhere, as if the walls were painted of blood.My brother layed on the floor, half dead.I scream of the sight of that thick blood.Then something caught my eye, right next to James there was a young woman who seemed to be stabbed.I quickly pick my phone and call the ambulance.It soon arrives taking the no longer living beings.

The doctor comes out of the room, with a small smile as he spoke
"The operation was successful and your brother is out of danger now"I cry out of joy as soon as I heard those words.
"But we couldn't save the woman since she lost a lot of blood.Some of her organs were replaced into your brother's body"he adds.I rush to my older brother, not caring about a single word the doctor said.I look at my brother, as he looks at me.We both hug each other, as the pain heals like small wounds.
"James how are you feeling?Here have some soup"I told him, as I forwarded a spoon.He took it as a cute, excited baby, but soon he spat it out.
"Brother?!?"I exclaimed confused.
"The food tastes disgusting"he shouts.I'm really confused, nothing made any sense, he loves carrot soup.
"He won't eat it"I look at a tall man dressed formally in a black suit.He clicks his fingers, which made everything drop in silence.There was no flickering of the light, no whistling of the wind and not even a single movement of a shadow.
"Your brother has turned into a ghoul"he says with a devilish smirk.
"A ghoul?"I question.
"The girl was a ghoul, and since your brother has her organs replaced in his"he says, with a slight pause
"He has become a flesh eater"I look up into his black eyes as deep as the abyss of the sea.I never knew creatures like those existed.
"But how can I bring him back to how he was?"I asked worried.He comes closer to me as I slowly felt myself turning into a statue.I felt a shiver down my spine.
"You have to sacrifice yourself"he says as his warm breath hits my neck, everything seemed to be a game for him, a game of death and life.
"Sacrifice?"I shutter, words couldn't come out.
"I, Park Jimin, am the king of death and life, who can bring anyone back to life and can also take it away from them, I also can change anyone in just a click of a finger, if I have to change him to ghoul or a human, but for this you have to maintain your promise, the promise that you made when you were small, the day I rescued you, the day you promised me that you will allow me to take your soul, so then tonight, when the full moon rises to its highest point, with this knife you have to stab yourself"he says, passing a small, silver sword.I move my hands forward as I take my death out of his hands.He clicks his fingers again and everything comes back to life.I hide the sword, and with a small, fragile smile I hug my brother tightly.This will be my last day to ever see him or hug him again.I'm not afraid to die; I am only afraid of saying goodbye to him forever.I soon release from the hug and walk outside the room as my tears ran down my cheeks like an endless waterfall.

The dark night came.I stand in the balcony as the moonlight shines on me.I bid goodbye and stab myself taking the life away from me, away from this cruel world.I soon fell, but I could feel someone's warm arms wrapped around me.
"I'll protect you for eternity"he whispers as we disappear in a blink of an eye.

The Beginning

Thank you for reading!!!I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter for Ghoul night and I apologise for any mistakes, love you lots and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for reading!!!I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter for Ghoul night and I apologise for any mistakes, love you lots and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

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