The unwanted shadow

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The next day, I woke up as the sun's rays touch my skin.I turn around seeing Jimin.I brush his hair back, when suddenly he pulls me on top of him
"The night was beautiful"I spoke still on top of the half naked Jimin
"Not as beautiful as you"he turns me around.He was on top of me now.He slowly comes closer as his lips touch mine, but it was broken by a knock
"My lord, the breakfast is ready"a heard a voice from the other side of the door
"Just leave it outside"Jimin commands
"Sure my lord"she leaves as her footsteps get further and further away
"So where were we?"Jimin asks with his devilish smirk
"Come on Jimin, let's get up"I said as I got up and ran towards the bathroom, not letting the blanket leave me.I could hear Jimin's giggles as I closed the door.
I come out of the shower, as I dry my hair with a towel.I looked into the mirror as I brushed my hair and thought about yesterday, but when suddenly I saw a shadow.I turned around facing James, my older brother
"James?"I hug him tightly
"How... how did you step in this world?"I looked at him with a confused look
"Ruhi, there's no time for questions"he spoke with that voice I always missed
"Ruhi"he looks at me with a serious look
"Jimin is evil and you can't stay with him anymore, come with me, back to our world"he grabbed my arm, but I refused as I took a step back
"James... I can't, I love Jimin and I can't live without him"I spoke as tears formed
"Ruhi you can't... you can't fall in love with him, he has casted a spell on you.He's going to pay for this"my brother spoke, not trusting a single thing
"No James, I'm not going back.Jimin is my husband and I'm his wife.I can't leave him"I fell down on my knees
"Ruhi"I heard Jimin's voice, that voice which I love.He came running towards me as he covered me in his arms.I look around, but I couldn't see James anywhere
"What happened?"Jimin asked in a worried voice.I'm so confused, he was here a second ago, but now he's gone.Am I hallucinated?
"Oh... nothing Jimin, I just miss my brother"I lied as I got up
"Don't worry, I'm always by your side.Look I brought you breakfast"he said as we both sat down on the bed.He fed me with his cute, baby hands.I love Jimin, I can't spend a single moment without him.
Thank you for reading!!!I hope you have enjoyed the story and I apologise for any mistakes.Love you all and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

Love you all and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

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