Marks of love

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"Oh no sorry"I look up at the figure who apologised to me with a cute, bunny smile
"It's ok"I reassure
"But who are you?"I ask him, I never show him around before
"Oh yes, I'm sorry, I'm Jungkook, Jimin's younger brother and may I know who you are?"he asks me
"I'm Ruhi..... Jimin's wife"
"Oh, you're Ruhi, the one who won my brother's heart?"he says which makes me blush
"By the way what are you doing at this hour?"I interrupt the awkward conversation
"Umm, I..."
"Is everything ok?"
"Umm... I love someone, and I was about to confess my feelings, but ... I'm just scared, what if she rejects me?"he looks down
"Jungkook if you really love her, then you shall confess your feelings to her"
"Here do you want to practice with me?Imagine me as her and try to confess your feelings"I add
"I love you Jiy..."right before he was about to finish his sentence the door opens, showing a shadow bursting into the room.
"Brother?"Jungkook questions
"Jungkook you have finally arrived from our grandparents' house"the figure comes into the light, it was Jimin
"Yes I have"he goes to hug him, but then Jimin whispers something in his ear, which makes Jungkook leave the room.After he left, Jimin closed the door behind and spoke
"Ruhi, explain"Jimin looks at me with anger
"What happened?"I ask as I shiver
"Why did he say I love you to you?"he comes towards me pushing me onto the bed
"You belong to me"he shouts again as he pushes his lips onto mine and starts kissing me roughly.He then bites my bottom lip, for entrance, I do not let him, but he bites harder which made my lip bleed.He puts his tongue in.He then breaks the kiss and moves down, down to my neck, and starts sucking it roughly, leaving love bites behind.It really hurts, I couldn't even speak or beg him to stop, he then lets go, gets up and leaves.I start to tear up...

Jimin's p.o.v
I leave the room all frustrated, how can see do that, behind my back, and with my brother.I bang the door behind me
"Are you jealous?"suddenly a voice calls out.I turn around to face another me in the mirror
"Who are you?"
"Those marks, marks of anger or should I say marks of love?They show that you really love her"the person smirks
"Shut up"I shout as I threw a vase into the mirror
"Knock knock"
"Come in"I command
"Brother, what's wrong?And the mirror?"Jungkook says as he looks at the pieces of the mirror torn apart
"I... I'm just in a bad mood, but what brings you here?"I spoke giving him a death glare
"Jimin I just wanted to say that thanks to Ruhi I finally have the confidence to confess my love"
"Love?What love?"
"Yes, Ruhi helped me.She prenteded to be Jyheon, so I could try to confess to her"
"Oh shit"I swear under my breath, I jumped onto conclusion too fast.

In the room
I open the door slowly seeing Ruhi lying on the bed, shivering.I move towards her and tuck her in the blanket, I then sit beside her and soon fell asleep.
Thank you for reading!!!I hope you have enjoyed, and I apologise for the late update.I'll try my best to update sooner, but the problem is I'm ill, yes I have really bad headache, so it's hard for me to update.😔😔😔But remember that I'll always love you, and just for my sweet cupcakes I got up and wrote this update❤️❤️❤️Have a wonderful day/night

😔😔😔But remember that I'll always love you, and just for my sweet cupcakes I got up and wrote this update❤️❤️❤️Have a wonderful day/night

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