The white prince

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I sit by Jisoo, with Jungkook and Taehyung facing in front of us.Jimin sat on the other side, since he prefers to sit by himself.He's actually haven't been that rude from the last incident, but still I can't trust him, I thought as I looked outside
"Guys, I heard that if we have time we'll be able to go to the Busan's amusement park"Jisoo spoke
"Yasss"we all exclaim, apart from Jimin who thought we just looked like small, annoying kids
"I've actually heard a legend about one of the rides in the amusement park"Jungkook adds
"A legend?"I ask confused
"Yeah a legend, it says that if a couple who kiss on top of the wheel, their love will last forever"Jungkook replies as I look at Jimin.Our eyes had a sudden contrast when I decided to look away
"Aww that sounds so romantic"Jisoo said playfully hitting my arm.I looked at her confused when she comes closer and whispers
"You and Taehyung"I blush after hearing that, I look up as Tae smiled.The rest of the ride was about what rides we will be going to and I couldn't wait, I love going to amusement parks and especially with my friends.
We arrive at the place and go into our rooms.We'll be staying in a hotel until the trip is over and the best thing is that I'll be sharing my room with Jisoo.After placing our stuff in our rooms we went downstairs where all the class we'll meet up
"Everyone we'll be going to the Busan museum where in pairs you'll collect information which is later needed to create a documentary"Mr. Sakurai says
"These are the pairs"he says whilst he started reading them out
"Jisoo and Luhan"
"Jimin and Jungkook"
"Thank god, I'm not with him"I thought to myself
"Ruhi and Taehyung"
"Taehyung"I could feel myself ready to explode
"Hey Ruhi"he comes towards me
"Hi"I wave back whilst I smiled
"Let's go"he says whilst he held my hand
"Ok"I follow him

Jimin p.o.v
"Damn why is he with her?!?"I thought to myself as I could feel myself heating up
"Why do I care?!?"I said whilst brushing my hair
"Jimin?!?"Jungkook literally screams in my ear
"Oh hi Jungkook"
"What were you thinking, I called you like four times"
"Oh sorry, let's go and make a start on our notes"

Back to your p.o.v
I followed Taehyung, it's the best day ever, I get to hold my crush's hand
"Ok then, this museum was built in 1978"I said as I wrote the notes down
"Ruhi I need to tell you something"Taehyung says as I look into his eyes, but I suddenly lose my balance.I was about to fall when Tae pulled me closer and saved me from falling
"Hey are you ok?"Tae asks
"Yeah I'm ok, sorry for the fuss"I let go, but I could feel my ankle twist in pain
"Hey hey slow down, I'll take to you the teacher "he said whilst he put my arm around his shoulder for support as he leades me to the teacher
"Mr. Sakurai I think Ruhi has sprained her ankle"he said whilst I sat down on the chair
"Wait I'll call Mrs. Lee to come and check"Mr. Sakurai leaves and brings Mrs. Lee with him
"Yeah you've sprained your ankle, you shall go and rest.Taehyung can you lead her to her room please?"the teacher asks as Tae nods.The museum was right next to the hotel, so it didn't take too long to reach my room
"Here"he helps me lye down on my bed
"Rest well, ok?"he says as I nod in response
"I'll leave now"
"See you later"I wave as he closes the door behind.I then slowly start to drift away into sleep.
Thank you for reading!!!I apologise for any mistakes, and I hope you have a wonderful day, love you❤️❤️❤️

~~~Thank you for reading!!!I apologise for any mistakes, and I hope you have a wonderful day, love you❤️❤️❤️

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