The petals

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*please read the author's note at the end of the chapter❤️❤️❤️

Jimin's p.o.v
Ruhi invited me in, but I refused, because I wanted to buy that ring for her, so I headed back to the shop.I admired at the beauty of the ring as I entered in and brought the ring.

The next day, back to your p.o.v

"Help!Help, please someone"I scream on top of my lungs as the river kept on dragging me.Suddenly a boy runs and dives into the river and swims towards me.He grabs me as he puts my arm around his shoulder.He then swims and takes me back to the land.
"Hey are you ok?"he asks with those black eyes as deep as the abyss of the sea.
"Yes thanks for saving me"I smile
"How can I repay the favour?"I ask
"Promise me that when you grow up you'll allow me to take your soul, and you'll sacrifice yourself to me"

I woke up sweating, as I heard the alarm buzzing, I picked it up and it read 8:00, school starts in 30 minutes.I quickly got up, I could see Joon nowhere to be found.I then ran out of the house, and headed to school.As I was running, a beautiful, black dress caught my eyes.

My head started feeling dizzy, my eyes becoming heavier and heavier

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My head started feeling dizzy, my eyes becoming heavier and heavier

"I could feel warm arms, which held me as the figure spoke
Mrs Park, now you belong to me for eternity"

I woke up, seeing myself held by Tae, I fainted in front of the shop
"Hey you're ok?"he said helping me to stand up
"Yes, thanks"I smiled, as he did to me
"Come on, we only have few minutes until class starts"he said holding my hand, as we both ran together.We both laughed together as we then finally arrive into the school, ready for our first lesson.

After school
School was finally finished, so I decided to head back home, when I saw a new cafe open.I entered in
"Good afternoon, what would you like?"a girl, with dark brown hair asked me.I was about to order, when her name tag caught my eye, it read Jiyeon

"Umm... I love someone, and I was about to confess my feelings, but... I'm just scared, what if she rejects me?"
"Jungkook if you really love her, then you shall confess your feelings to her"
"Here, do you want to practice with me?Imagine me as her and try to confess your feelings"
"Ok, I love you Jiy..."

"Can we have two medium cappuccinos please?"I was snapped back to reality
"Hey Ruhi"I turned around seeing Jungkook
"Hey"I smiled as we headed to go and sit down.

Jungkook's p.o.v
"Is everything alright?"I ask her
"Umm... yeah"she looks down, I know her too well, whenever she's embarrassed or lies she always looks down.The plan seriously has worked
"Anyway how was school?"I interrupted the awkward silence
"It was good"we both talked until the coffee came.

Back to your p.o.v
We both were drinking our coffee, when we saw a young men kneeling down, as he took the ring out, for the person he was proposing, there was a rain of red petals

"Ruhi" a voice calls my name.I turn around as delicate, red petals fell on me"

"Ruhi"I see Jungkook shaking me
"Sorry kokkie"he chuckles.After finishing we both headed to our houses
"Bye"we both hugged each other and left.

At home
I fell onto my bed, when my phone suddenly buzzed, I got up
"Hey, meet me at the sea at 6"it read, it was a message from Tae
"Ok, I'll see you there"I fell down onto the bed again.After few minutes of thinking, what those blackouts were about, I went downstairs, and watched some dramas, when the door opened showing Joon
"Joon"I shout as I go and hug my brother
"Hey Ruhi"he pats my head
"Joon can I ask you something?"
"Sure"he says as he takes his coat off
"Joon, if two people love each other, but unfortunately their love was broken and they die, does their love die too?"I asked, I looked so dumb
"No sis, true love never dies"he says as he goes upstairs and leaves me dumbfounded.I was really confused, those shadows that appeared, I felt like I knew who they were.

*Hey cupcakes, first of all I apologise for the really late update, I've been really busy, and I got ill, because of the weather change in the UK, I really do apologise, and I hope you have enjoyed this update, important note that this story is soon coming to an end.I apologise again, love you and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

I apologise again, love you and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

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