Is it love?

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The next day, I woke up surrounded by warm arms.I turn around to face Jimin, cutely sleeping beside me.He slowly opens his eyes, those eyes that I have fallen for.
"Ruhi?"he mumbles softly.Our faces were really close, only few inches distant.He smiles, his smile which is the glowing sunrise that greets me every morning.
"Jimin"I reply as my head hurts, not remembering what happened last night, but then a flashback comes to my mind.I was held with those same, warm arms of his.I then touched those marks he left, which hurted, it felt horrible.
"Hey, does it still hurt?"he says with his voice full of love as he touches those marks
"I'm sorry"he looks away sadly, I could see the guilt in his eyes
"Jimin it's ok"I reassure as I bring his chin facing me.He then smiles and gives me a small, yet full of love peck.He gets up as he forwards a hand to help me.I held it as I slowly got up
"Ruhi, I need to show you something, tonight meet me in the garden"he whispered in my ear sending tickles throughout my body.He then leaves, in a blink of an eye just like a shadow.

In the garden
I walk towards the garden as Jimin asked me to.I look around, there was a small table with petals of roses shaped in a heart.The whole garden was full of candles everywhere, each candle with its own beauty shining brightly.
"Ruhi"a voice calls my name.I turn around as delicate, red petals fell on me.I then look at Jimin welcoming me with his open arms.I ran towards him, immersing in his arms.I then look into his eyes, the same eyes who welcomed me in this world, those same eyes as deep as the abyss of the sea.He then spins me around and pulls me closer as we slowly start to dance.He then with his melodic voice sings as the moon shines on us and welcomes us in his night.
"Ruhi, I love you and I'll always wil, I'll die for your love"I cover his mouth.I can't see Jimin in pain, it hurts, it really does, seeing the person you love getting hurt, it's even worser than you getting hurt.
"I love you too Jimin"I whisper, as he picks me up and spins me around.Jimin smiles, but it soon fades away.
"Ruhi.... I .... I wanted to receive ultimate power, and you was the only one who could fulfill my wish, so I decided to use you but"he pauses, making my heart shatter into pieces.I turn around, I didn't want him to see my tears, but I was pulled back by his grip
"But I love you, I truly do and I can't live without you"he spoke as small tears started to build up in his eyes.I wipe them as I give him a smile
"Ruhi, will you become mine forever?"he asked as his eyes shone
"I promise"I respond.
Thank you for reading!!!I apologise for letting you wait for a long time, but here I am back with my story😁😁😁I hope you have enjoyed the chapter and I promise I'll start to update more regularly since my exams are finally over *starts to dance out of excitement*😂😂😂Anyway love you all and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

~~~Thank you for reading!!!I apologise for letting you wait for a long time, but here I am back with my story😁😁😁I hope you have enjoyed the chapter and I promise I'll start to update more regularly since my exams are finally over *starts to dan...

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Is It Love?? || PJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now