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That evening
I was walking in the garden with Jungkook
"So did you confess your feelings?"I ask
"Yes I did, all thanks to you my sister-in-law"he said as he hugged me.We talked and talked, but we then heard a really loud sound.Me and Jungkook ran.We saw Jimin lying on the floor as blood was everywhere.I then look up, at the figure carrying a sword in his hand
"James, how could you?"I scream in tears
"Guards, put this man in jail"Jungkook orders as the guards do as they are asked.Jungkook comes closer to me and Jimin, when suddenly everything goes pitch black.
I woke up as I saw myself lying on my bed
"Jimin?"I question as the nurse tells me to calm down
"My queen"I turn around to see a man dressed as a priest
"Jimin is suffering a lot and there's only one way to save him"he said with a slight pause
"You have to kill your brother or sacrifice yourself to the sea forever"he said passing me a small, silver sword, the same one Jimin gave me on that day.I held it in my hand, as I got up.Jungkook led me to James, who was lying half-conscious on the floor.I held the sword high up, but it falls down making a sound, which filled the room.I then ran as fast as I could.I could hear Jungkook shouting my name, but I didn't care.I ran towards the sea as I dive into it, and sacrificed myself to it.
3rd person
Jimin gets up as tears forms in his eyes.He knew what exactly Ruhi has done.He gets up as he runs to the sea searching for her, but could never find her.

Back to your p.o.v
"What a story"I spoke as I stretched
"Every night the two lovers' spirit wonder around in search for each other.Only two people who truly love each other are able to reunite them again"I read the last bit on the bottom
"Ruhi come downstairs"I heard my brother Namjoon shouting.I walk downstairs seeing my older brother covered in flour
"Were you trying to cook?"I ask him, as I walk towards the kitchen seeing everything everywhere.Flour was all over the place, the eggs' shells were everywhere and even broken plates
"Namjoon did you seriously break this?"the innocent guy nods

"Brother how many times have I told you, don't try to cook, everything ends up everywhere"I command as I cross my arms"But I wanted to cook something for my little sis"he said pinching my cheeks "I made apple pie especially for you"he said as he b...

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"Brother how many times have I told you, don't try to cook, everything ends up everywhere"I command as I cross my arms
"But I wanted to cook something for my little sis"he said pinching my cheeks
"I made apple pie especially for you"he said as he brought the pie foward, my favourite.I cut it as I took a small piece
"It's delicious"I exclaimed as I put a piece in my brother's mouth.
Thank you for reading cupcakes, I hope you have enjoyed the twist, don't worry I'm going to add some seasoning and some spices later on *evil laugh*, anyway love you all and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

~~~Thank you for reading cupcakes, I hope you have enjoyed the twist, don't worry I'm going to add some seasoning and some spices later on *evil laugh*, anyway love you all and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

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