Beside me

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Jimin's p.o.v
"My lord Jimin, if you want to become the most powerful person in the universe, then you have to do as I say"the priest says
"Then what do I have to do?"I question him, I'm getting really impatient
"That girl, she's the one that can can give you ultimate power, so you need to destroy her soul forever, on a specific date"
"When can I do so?"
"On the next full moon"
"But"he adds
"You cannot fall in love with her, or else the spell won't work"
"I understand, thank you for your help"
"At your service my lord"he says and leaves.She's the one who can give me the ultimate power, that I always wanted, so I have to make her fall in my trap, I'll pretend that I love her, but I don't and convince her to do anything for me.
"But you cannot fall in love with her"the voice kept on echoing in my ears, I don't know why, but then I heard a crash.I ran towards the room where Ruhi was kept in.

Your p.o.v
I wake up in a comfortable bed, I look around at my surroundings, the room was beautiful, but there was something missing, there wasn't that much light, I then get up and grab a glass of water, when suddenly it slips out of my hand making a really loud noise.
"Ruhi"the door opens showing the same figure, the figure of that young man, the king of death
"How are you feeling?"he asks whilst he sits beside me
"I... I'm alright, but where am I?"I question him, I was so confused
"Welcome to the kingdom of death, this is where all the souls come when they leave their bodies"he spoke, but then a flashback came in my head
"My brother?Is he alright?"
"Yes he is, I have maintained my promise like you did"
"I want you to become the queen of the death, so will you marry me?"he says as he kisses my hand, I could feel his warm, petal lips
"I... I can't"
"I don't want to"
"But you have agreed"
"I never said I would marry you"I respond back with my fragile voice
"But your soul belongs to me, so you have to do as I say"Jimin shouts which scares me.I look down, I can't believe this is all real
"I'm sorry, did I scare you?But I love you a lot and I can do anything for you, just give me a chance"he says as he gets up
"Ok"I respond
"So then be ready for tomorrow, my sweet, future wife"I smile as he leaves.Jimin is a warm-hearted person, but I just feel uncomfortable, I have this strange feeling that I don't even know how to describe.

Thank you for reading!!!I apologise for the short chapter, but I'll try my best to update more, love you all and have a wonderful day💜💜💜

Thank you for reading!!!I apologise for the short chapter, but I'll try my best to update more, love you all and have a wonderful day💜💜💜

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