Who do I belong to?

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I was listening to some music whilst thinking about what happened today, when I heard a knock, as Jisoo entered
"Ruhi, how are you?Where were you?We were looking for your everywhere?And what's wrong with Taehyung?I asked him were where you and he said where Ruhi belongs, like seriously what happened?"Jisoo starts questioning me nonstop
"Jisoo, calm down, I was with Jimin"
"Jimin?"she asks confused
"Yes"I respond as I look down
"But"Jisoo was interrupted by a knock
"Come in"Jisoo responds as Jungkook enters
"Hi you two"Jungkook waves
"Oh yeah Jungkook, you have come on the right time, we have to have a talk with Ruhi"she said pulling Jungkook which made me laugh
"Right"they both sat down
"Let's start with the questions"Jisoo says
"Ruhi, do you like Jimin?"Jungkook asks, as I look down again, I was blushing as that scene flashed in my head
"Umm, I don't know"Jisoo and Jungkook looked at each other, as Jisoo gets up
"I'm going to have a shower"she smiles and leaves me and Jungkook behind.

Jisoo's p.o.v
I left the two alone, these two have been best friends since childhood so I think I shall leave these two alone so that Ruhi can express herself more, until then I'll go and have a shower.

Back to your p.o.v
"Ruhi"I look up at Jungkook as he comes closer and sits beside me
"Jungkook"I start to tear up as I hugged him tightly.He pats my head as he speaks
"Ruhi does your heart belong to Taehyung or Jimin?"he asks
"I don't know kokkie"I let go of the hug as I wiped my tears
"Ruhi you guys kissed didn't you?"I look at Jungkook shock
"How... how do you know?"I ask
"It's literally written on your face"he chuckles as I start to lightly punch him
"Jungkook what shall I do?"
"Ruhi listen to your heart, who does it belong to?"he says as Jimin's face flashes whilst I quickly opened my eyes
"Who does it beat for?"
"In which arms do you feel home?"he says with a slight pause
"I'm going to leave now, ok?And remember I'm always there for you"he smiles giving me another hug as he then leaves.I fall back down, as I slowly drift into sleep.

Back at home
I have finally arrived back from the long journey.I'm sitting in my bed as I get up and go to brush my hair.I slowly started brushing it, when all the lights went off.In few seconds I felt myself wrapped in warm arms, I was about to scream when Jimin covers my mouth, as he then slowly comes closer to my neck.He kisses is slightly as his warm breath hits my cold neck.He then lets go as he leaves a wet kiss behind, he then soon releases me
"Ruhi are you ok?"Namjoon asks
"Yes I am"I lyed
"There's been a problem with the light switch, I'll go and check it"my brother then replies
"Jimin?"I turn around, but the figure was nowhere to be seen.I ran towards my balcony as I saw a shadow fading away into the dark
"What is he even up to?"I smile as I walk back to the mirror when I saw something on my neck
"Wait, what is this an hickey?"I scream as I touched it, the door soon opens showing Namjoon
"Ruhi?Why are you screaming?"he asks confused, whilst I covered my neck
"Oh... umm I thought I saw a spider"I awkwardly laugh
"Anyway come downstairs, let's eat"I follow him behind.

Jimin's p.o.v
What's wrong with me?What was I doing?In the middle of nowhere I just wrapped her in my arms?Jimin are you serious?I thought about all of this as I walked down and headed back to my house.

Thank you for reading!!!I know this chapter was a bit boring, sorry😅😅😅But anyway I hope you have a wonderful day, love you bye❤️❤️❤️

Thank you for reading!!!I know this chapter was a bit boring, sorry😅😅😅But anyway I hope you have a wonderful day, love you bye❤️❤️❤️

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