A distant feeling

107 11 18

Jisoo's p.o.v
I enter my room as I saw Ruhi sleeping
"Sleepyhead"I whisper as I leave to go and have a shower.

Back to your p.o.v
"I'll protect you for eternity"a voice echoed in my head as a shadow fowarded its hand.I moved foward and was about to hold it when...

"Knock knock"I got up sweating.I ran towards the door and opened it
"Hi Ruhi"I see three girls from my class waving at me
"Oh hey"I respond
"Unfortunately the girls' bathroom has broken down, so until 8 o'clock the girls are allowed to use the boys' bathroom"
"Oh ok, thanks for letting me know"I bow down as they leave.I close the door behind me and grab all my things
"Shampoo, soap, towel..."I then head to the boys' bathroom.I open it seeing no one there
"Yass, got the place to myself"I shout.I then get into the bathtub as warm water touches my skin.We had to share the bathroom.Each of them had two, big bathtubs and a row of showers.I hear the door suddenly opening.The figure comes in, and it turn out to be no other than Park Jimin.I quickly hold my breath and sank into the tub, but unfortunately I couldn't do it anymore.I saw Jimin half naked with a black towel around his waist.Jimin turns around and sees me
"Jimin?"I hear a voice calling his name.Jimin quickly comes closer to me as he covers me behind him
"Taehyung, hi"Jimin responds, whilst me still hiding behind him.Taehyung was also half naked with a white towel tied around his waist.He turns the shower as he puts shampoo in his hair
"Jeez he looks hot"I thought to myself as my cheeks heated up more and more.
(A/n: all of the characters have their towels tied around their bodies)
"I'm going to leave now"Taehyung says
"Why don't you join in?"Jimin smirks as he asks him to come into the bathtub.I hit him with my hand
"Nah"he says and leaves.Jimin then gets up as I do too
"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"I give him a death glare as he just laughs
"I'm going to kil..."before I could finish my sentence, I lost my balance due to my ankle, little did I know warm arms wrapped me around as Jimin slowly picked me up.My eyes felt getting heavier and heavier.
"Who's carrying me?"I thought to myself
"I feel so comfortable as I feel like I belong to them"
I woke up and saw myself wearing a long, white shirt, it had the same smell of the perfume Jimin wore
"Are you awake?"I get up as cover myself with the blankets
"Jimin?"I shivered
"You saw me?"I shout as I held my finger towards him.He then moves foward as he puts a finger on my lips
"Ssh, I'm not interested in seeing you, and anyway you shall be thanking me not shouting at me like that"he then gets up, leaving me, dumbfounded behind.I fall back down on my bed as I immerse myself into the same perfume again
"Why is my heart beating so fast?"I clutch the shirt in my hand
"What is this feeling?"I get up and go through the wardrobe and change into my night clothes.After I was done changing, I hung the shirt in a hanger outside the wardrobe, so I'll remember to return it to him tomorrow morning.

Taehyung's p.o.v
I was walking, when I heard theee girls talking about Ruhi.I hid behind the wall and started listening to their conversation
"The plan backfired"one of them stomped on the ground
"Ruhi supposed to get humiliated, but no she was carried by Jimin in a bridal way"she shouts the last part.I ran towards Ruhi's room, as I saw Jimin coming out from her room
"Where's Ruhi?"I asked panting
"She's resting, just leave her alone"Jimin walks away with his hands in his pockets, whilst he pushes me with his shoulder.I was about to knock, but I stopped.I think she needs some time to herself.

Back to your p.o.v
"Ruhi?"Jisoo comes in
"Jisoo!"I ran and hug her tightly
"How are you feeling?And your ankle?"she asks in her worried, mother mode
"I'm fine, don't worry"I reassure
"Wait who's shirt is that?Taehyung's?"she smirks
"Of course not.It's Ji...Namjoon's"I lye with an awkward laugh
"Uh?"she looks at me puzzled
"He probably accidentally packed it in my bag whilst he was helping me and so umm yeah"I tried my best to convince her, but I could still see her trying to read my face
"Anyway let's rest"I change the topic as I sit back down on the bed.
Thank you for reading!!!I hope you have enjoyed and I apologise for any mistakes.Love you and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

Love you and have a wonderful day❤️❤️❤️

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