Zuko x LostSister Reader part 2

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You were brought back to the fire nation. You thought about hatching a escape plan. "This is your sister and brother, Azula and Zoku." Said Ozin.

Zoku glared at you while Azula looked sassy. You rolled your eyes. You were gonna escape tonight. Zuko led you to your room.

"Well hello sister." You looked away. You then noticed there was a window. Your eyes beamed. "Why won't you talk to me." Zuko asked.

"Well you went after me and my friends all the time so. There's no point." You said. Zuko looked away. "Are you ok? I'm sorry for what I did. What can I do to earn your forgiveness?" Zuko asked sincerely.

"Get me out of here." You sneered. Zuko looked away sadly. "You know I can't do that. I'd be punished." Said Zuko.

You sighed as you went in front of him and grabbed both of his shoulders.

"You don't earn your honor just by someone giving it to you. You earn it by doing the right thing." You said. Zuko was surprised by your wisdom.

You were definitely a split image of His mother. "I'm not helping you. I'm sorry." You glared and looked away. Zuko walked away leaving you alone.

But you were determined to get out of here. You were a bender. But for some reason you were a water bender.

It was now the full moon. Where waterbenders are powerful under it.

You then ran and broke out the fine window. You landed. There was guards. You then used water bending and summoned water into air.

It was turned into icicles. Then it hit them both leaving them on the ground before they could attack. You looked back at Zuko and then the entrance,

Should you go back?

You then ran for the entrance. Surprisingly there weren't any guards in the entrance. You kept running as fast as your legs carried you.

You ran for a while. You saw Appa and Aang and Katara and Sokka and Toph.

"Guys!" You shouted as you crash hugged them. "Ok we found her. Let's get out of here." Said Sokka. Aang and Katara and Toph nodded.

"Appa YIP YIP!" Said Sokka which made Appa fly in the air.

You then lay down on the saddle looking at the night sky. "What happened over there?" Aang asked. You didn't say anything. "We can talk about it later I'm tired." You said.

"Ok." Said Aang. Your eyes slowly wander off to the fire nation.

Could you tell them you were related to Zuko?

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