Zuko x BanishedReader: Sides

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You breathed slowly. "Zuko. I can't do this anymore. It's not right disrupting the balance." You said. "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND! I lost my honor. And I"m getting mine back." Said Zuko.

"Fine. But I'm not helping you." You said turning away. You walked away taking away like the wind.

You breathed slowly. You kept running. You bumped into someone. "Oh sorry!" You looked up to see the avatar Aang.

"Oh hi. Don't worry I'm not here to take you just like the rest of them." You said. You stood up.

"Again I'm sorry." You said. Aang shook his head as he smiled. "It's no big deal! Here's my friends. Katara and Sokka." Said Aang.

"How can we trust her! She could backstab us!" Said Sokka.

You shook your head. "I know you don't trust me. I'm not planning to hurt anyone. I'm just running away." You said looking away.

"Who Gave you that scar?" Katara pointed out. You slowly touched your eye. It had a fire burn scar on it. Except that it was on the left. "Zuko." You answered.

"I'm sorry. About what happened." Said Aang. "It's ok. I'm starting a new one now. I'm joining your side Avatar." You said.

You looked up. "I know my destiny for one. I'm suppose to help you firebend right? I will teach you." You said.

"Thanks." Said Aang. "I still don't trust you." Said Katara. "Me neither but we'll make an acception!" Said Sokka.

You smiled softly. "Let's go before the fire nation gets here looking for me." You said as you ran as they followed you.

I'm sorry Zuko.

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