Bad Dreams

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tw - death, suicide


"TRIXIE NO! Trixie!"

Katya was panicking, she didn't know how she got here. White rooms and white walls, this place was spacious and Trixie was just the pink dot in the middle of it. Katya banged on the window that separated Trixie and her. She wasn't having it.

"Trixie, Trixie look at me! Look at me! Stay right there, don't move, you don't know what might happen!"

Katya looked to the side of the windows for any buttons or switches, but there was none. There was only one main switch behind Trixie, a big red lever labeled with "Stop." Trixie stayed motionless and watched Katya move around like an agitated squirrel.

After panicking for about 4 minutes, Katya felt something was up, something wasn't right. She turned to Trixie.

"Trixie? Can you even... hear me?"

Trixie stared at Katya, her head tilted slightly to the left, her golden blonde locks fell on her shoulders perfectly. The tight baby pink dress hugged her curves while white stilettos matched along the outfit. Trixie blinked at Katya. Something was wrong. Trixie's eyes were lifeless. Her once chocolaty, caramel rich eyes were just dirt and mud. Though Trixie was breathing, it didn't seem like any of the oxygen went in her. She was like... like a barbie.

A lifeless barbie.

Katya didn't like the sound of that. Determined, Katya motioned rapidly for Trixie to walk over.

"Trix, come over here, over here!"

This glass was bothering Katya, she felt like Trixie couldn't hear her through this thick layer of translucent sand. After motioning for about 2 minutes, Trixie started walking. One step, two step. Her heels made no sound on the white floor. Unmoving her head or eyes, she just stopped in front of the glass pane.

"Trixie, c-can you hear me?"

Katya waved a hand in front of her eyes.

"Trix, hey, hey down here, can you see me?"

"Trixie, you're scaring me."

"Trixie please, I- JUST ANSWER ME!"

Katya knelt down to the floor after hundreds of tries to get Trixie to react or even answer to anything other than "Come here."

- click -

Katya jumped at the sudden sound. What was that. Katya looked at Trixie, her mouth agape in shock.

Trixie had a shiny black gun, pointed straight at her temple.

Katya stumbled up and started banging on the window.

"Trixie, put that down! Put it down right now! Please, I beg you, put it down, please! Please, Mattel, please!"

Trixie didn't flinch, but just merely blinked, the gun still cocked to her head.

"Please, please, please, I love you, please don't do this, I love you," Katya continued, tears welling up in her eyes.

Scratching at the window, Katya pleaded over and over again until her voice went hoarse and her tears made her makeup look like a child's watercolor painting.



- B A N G -

Blood splattered the glass and Trixie fell to the floor with a soft thud. The gun clattered off somewhere by her legs. Her golden locks, drenched with dark red blood. Her pink dress, painted with red from the shoulders up and her white stilettos dotted with little red dots.

Katya cried out with a deafening scream.


Katya stared out into darkness.

"Kat, you okay?"

Katya looked to the side of her, laying there was Trixie, half asleep and a little dazed. Katya felt her forehead, it was sweaty. She felt like she just ran a marathon, her heart beating fast and her breathing was ragged.


"Bad dream again?"


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