Untitled Artwork - Part 1

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"Trixie! Trix-"

Cold salty water surged into Katya's mouth. She coughed and spluttered. How did it end up like this, it was only a kiss. It was only a kiss.

- A few days before -

Katya shifted her portfolio and pens in her mouth. She was freelancing artist that was asked by this rich rich man to aboard his ship/cruise to draw his passengers for a large sum of money. Katya wasn't the one to draw people that she wasn't interested in, but she was in need of the money. The ship was massive, almost rivaling the Titanic. Lights were strung up and there was a band playing softly in the ballroom. She breathed out a satisfied sigh at the sight, this was her big break.

Servants ushered her to her room in the bottom (3rd floor) of the boat. Maybe this wasn't all luxury for her, her room was where all the low class people slept. Katya stopped at the doorway of her room, the walls were metal and she saw the faint copper tint of rust forming. There was a single bed, or, it was more like a prison cot, something cheap and uncomfortable. There was a creaky bookshelf in the corner with a dusty desk next to it. A moth bitten curtain covered the porthole window and the soft glow from the dimming lamp bathed the whole room with a soft yellow glow. Katya spotted a desk next to the bookshelf and dumped her supplies on it.

Katya wore a brown and white vertically striped shirt that was a little loose and slightly unbuttoned which was tucked into a pair of tight black pinstripe pants. Her hair was short and wavy and a light shade of blonde. She tossed it to the side, making her hair a blonde wave going down the side of her face, slightly covering her eye. There were a pack of Marlboro cigarettes in her back pocket and a worn black pencil. Finishing the look off with a dry black paintbrush propped up on her ear. 

Katya breathed out a sigh as she flopped down back first onto the mattress, causing the worn springs to squeak. She stared up at the ceiling that had a small hole in the corner that dripped water into a bucket down below. Katya spaced out before she was brought back to reality by a knock on the door.

"Miss......Z-Zamo... Zamolod...."

There was a girl at the doorway with jet black hair and a slim figure, her brows furrowed as she tried to pronounce Katya's last name.

Katya chuckled at her attempt, "Call me Katya."

The girl looked at Katya and smiled slightly, "Katya, you're wanted in the ballroom."

She nodded in response, grabbed her art supplies, and stood up to leave. The girl and Katya walked together up to the 2nd deck where the ballroom was. Katya found out a lot about the girl. Her name was Violet Chachki and she was a hired showgirl, she came from a middle-class family and she has a girlfriend named Fame (but no one knows that). What Katya found shocking was how small her waist was. Wonder how she fit her intestines in there, Katya thought to herself.

They arrived to the ballroom and it was absolutely beautiful. Golden chandeliers and the clinking of champagne glasses filled the room. Women in stunning gowns and dresses, men in stiff, clean suits. Katya didn't know any of these people other than Violet which had seemingly disappeared to get ready for her act. 

"Miss! Over here!" 

Katya whipped her head around at the call, it was one of the servants ushering her into this corner with a raised ground. The servant motioned Katya to come over. She quickly stumbled over, still in the awe of everything and a little starstruck. 

"Set up right here, the boss will be here in a moment," the servant informed. 

Katya gave a small nod as the servant scurried off and proceeded to put up her easel and canvas, brought out used brushes and clean cups, a pack of pencils and a thick stack of paper. She fixed her belt around her waist and sat down in the given stool. 

Moments later, a tall, broad-shouldered man with a stunning white suit sauntered over. He had long light brown hair, a slight stubble, and piercing grey eyes. A smug look was painted on his face as the many rings on his finger reflected the dazzling light from the chandeliers. 

"Ah you must be...," the man looked a tiny piece of paper in his hand, "Y-Yekat-" 

"Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, but you can call me Katya," Katya gave a flashing smile that had a hint of annoyance already. The man didn't seem pleased that Katya interrupted him. He scowled slightly. 

"You have your first customer, don't fuck it up Katya," The man spit out Katya's name as if it was poison in his mouth. The man stepped aside, revealing the hidden girl that was behind him. She was the most prettiest girl that Katya had ever seen. Her beauty was breathtaking. Long golden curls, a voluptuous figure, and the most unique makeup on her face ever, she was something else. A baby pink faux fur shoulder wrap wrapped around her shoulders loosely as her pink dress floated almost ethereally with every step she took. 

Katya's breathing may have stopped because the man shook her shoulder and asked if she was okay. 

"I- yes, I'm okay," Katya stuttered and the man nodded and walked off, she turned to the girl, "What's your name, doll?" 

The girl gave a sweet smile and said proudly, "Trixie, Trixie Mattel." Katya thought she was the most precious thing ever. Her mind was racing, but the thoughts were clear, it was just a melting pot of emotions. Katya motioned Trixie to sit down in the chair across from the canvas so she can paint her portrait. 

A female artist?? And she's pretty??  Trixie's heart was pounding, she didn't tell anyone that she was bisexual, but oh honey, it was slipping out. To Trixie, the girl looked so hot when she was focused on the canvas, the brush in her hand and the furrowed brow showing hard thought. Trixie didn't move from her position, but rather just sat there with a dainty smile on her face whist Katya painted, her stomach filled with pink butterflies. 

- time skip an hour - 

An hour wasn't long enough for Trixie because time went fast when you're staring at something so hot, but Katya was already finished with her portrait. 

Katya turned the canvas to Trixie so she can see it. It was like if Trixie was snatched from reality and put onto paper, Katya captured every detail of Trixie's face, the big lips, the high cheekbones. Just, everything. 

Trixie gasped in shock of how good it was. 

Katya, concerned, gave a small frown, "Do you not like it?" 

"N-No no, it's the most-, it's the most beautiful thing I've seen I- I don't even think I'm that beautiful!" Trixie exclaimed, she was at a loss of words, she couldn't describe was she was feeling. 

Katya gave Trixie a small smile, "I only paint what I see." 

Trixie felt her face grow hot at Katya's words, but she didn't say anything. After a moment of silence, Katya took the painting from her easel and placed it in Trixie's hands. 

"It's all yours," Katya said with a smile. Trixie opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by her father, the man in the white suit. He placed a hand on Trixie's shoulder and Katya saw her whole body tense up at the touch. 

"Finished, Katya? Let me see it," the man said as he snatched the painting right out of Trixie's hands and huffed. "Mediocre." 

"I think it's stunning," Trixie defended as she took the painting back from him. 

The man scowled darkly, something in his eyes scared Trixie as he walked off without a word. She turned back to Katya, took a breath and repeated her statement, "I think it's stunning." 

Katya, a little shaken up by the encounter, gave a small smile and felt her cheeks flush a light shade of red. 

"Thank you." 


a/n - this will be a two/three part one shot, sorry if i have late updates, i'm super busy 

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