Us Against The World

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Massive orange fires erupted in the distance and muffled screams filled my ears as I felt a pair of toned arms wrap around my waist, gently tugging me closer.

How did I get here?

I'd answer it if I knew.

It was like a dream and a nightmare in one.

A love child, a failed experiment, but I couldn't do anything about it.

It was like we were separated away in our little bubble of protection from the post-apocalyptic world. I felt her arms settle around my body as I leaned into her, watching the world burn. I looked at her, her once icy blue eyes were blurry and blank. It seemed like she wasn't even there. I lifted my hand and touched her pale face, hoping for a sign of life, but the skin was cold and stiff. Her platinum blonde hair was coarse and dry around my fingers as I tried twirling a strand. I sighed in sorrow, yet I could not muster the energy to cry. It was done, it was gone, and it was just us against the world. 


a/n - This was inspired by a dream so it's kinda short :/

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