Two Cups of Coffee

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Cold hands, grey skies. It was the middle of February and it was raining. 

Katya was driving through the streets, watching the rain splatter gently on her windshield. Street lights were beginning to turn on. Traffic lights flickered from red to green and back to yellow again as she drove under them. The silence of the streets were being broken by the soft rumble of the motor of her black BMW. 

She was driving to Trixie's home down in West Hollywood. 

Trixie had just broke up with her boyfriend, (though Katya knew she didn't love him) Trixie still felt sad and upset about it. She was having a hard time coping, staying at home and crying most of the time. Trixie hadn't come out of her apartment in weeks. 

Katya was always there for Trixie, but she knew that she just needed a little space. 

Short blonde hair, dark eyeshadow, and bright red lips, Katya looked at herself in the mirror, made a face and chuckled at herself. 

Two coffees hung out in the holder besides her, steam curling in the air from them. 

Katya pulls up in Trixie's driveway, the rain still sprinkling steadily. Shifting the drinks while opening an umbrella, Katya shuffles over to Trixie's front door, puts down her umbrella and knocks. 

The door opens, Trixie looks bedraggled and tired. There were bags under her eyes that even her makeup couldn't cover. Her pink robe was tied messily at her waist and her blonde hair was tangled and strands were misplaced, the color looking like a faded garment. 

Katya sighed softly and smiled a little at the sight of Trixie even if she looked a little like a corpse. 

"Hey Trix, you were having a hard time so I thought I-" Katya's gentle words were cut off by Trixie leaning in and giving Katya a big hug. Trixie's body felt heavy and tired. Trying to balance the drinks, Katya hugged back, burying her face into Trixie's neck. 

The two women were frozen still in that moment for a while. The rain still pouring quietly in the background. Trixie's front yard flowers bobbed up and down from the falling raindrops. The grass swaying slightly with the cold breezes. The moment felt.... perfect? 

Trixie pulled away from the hug and a small smile creeped on her face. 

"I missed you, Kat." Trixie smiled a little while patting down the ruffled material on her robe. 

Katya smiled, "I missed you too," Katya held up the two coffees. "But these are getting cold out here, can we go inside?" 

Trixie nodded and opened the door wider for Katya to step in. 


Her place was an absolute mess. 

Tissues littered her coffee table, the picture frames on her shelves were dusty, dirty dishes piled up in the sink, Katya took in a breath. 

"I'm so sorry, it's kinda a mess in here..." Trixie admitted sheepishly, her face getting slightly red from embarrassment. 

"No no, it's fine," Katya said as she brushed away some of the tissues off the coffee table and set down the two drinks. 

Katya knew her way around Trixie's house and picked up her TV remote, turned on Netflix and scrolled to one of Trixie's favorite movies. She began cleaning up all the tissues and fixing things around the house. 

"Katya, y-" Trixie started, but paused when Katya started washing her dishes, "Katya, you don't need to clean for me." 

Katya gave a big smile, her beautiful smile which made Trixie's day suddenly brighten up a little, "But I want to." 

Trixie opened her mouth to protest again, but somehow Katya was already halfway done. 

Trixie's place looked 10 times better, it was like Queer Eye's Fab Five had a field day in there. Katya dusted off her hands and plopped down on the couch where Trixie was already drinking her coffee. 

"Yours got cold," Trixie giggled. 

"It's okay," Katya picked up her coffee with a laugh, "I prefer it cold anyways." 

Trixie leaned her head on Katya's shoulder with a blanket on her legs and the coffee between her hands. 

"I'm so happy that you came, Kat..." Trixie said softly, her eyes still glued on the TV screen. 

Katya hummed in reply and felt a smile tug at her red lips. She wrapped an arm around Trixie. They sat there together all snug for a while until Trixie fell asleep, softly snoring. 

Katya smiled and pulled the blanket over Trixie's shoulder and placed a chaste kiss on Trixie's forehead, admiring at how cute and peaceful she looked. 

And for a while, the grey clouds disappeared and the sun began to shine again. 

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