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     What the hell was Joseph Ellington's problem? First, he sat at the base of Lark's tree stump, then, he had the irrational nerve to ignore his presence as though he wasn't even there? Strangely enough—the harsh foreplay reminded Lark of Andy

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What the hell was Joseph Ellington's problem? First, he sat at the base of Lark's tree stump, then, he had the irrational nerve to ignore his presence as though he wasn't even there? Strangely enough—the harsh foreplay reminded Lark of Andy.

"Care to move, Ellington?" Joseph ignore Lark, gripping onto the stump as though he was prepared to be hauled off.

Lark knew why Jospeh seemed so hellbent on keeping a straight face with him around—it was all Andy's fault. "Why should I have to leave? I was here first."

"This is my stump—"

"I don't see your name on it." Joseph's snarky reply had Lark plopping down beside him, a knowingly smug look on his features Jospeh just wanted out of sight, and out of mind.

     "What the hell are you doing?" Joseph questioned, scooting farther away from the raging homosexual—at least that's how he described Lark to his friends on the baseball team. But looking over at Lark now, he frowned at his current thoughts.

     But he doesn't look queer.

     "I'm sitting—what does it look like?" Joseph wanted to comment on the fact that the newfound physical closeness between the two, made them seem awfully friendly.

     "I don't know—just a bit standoffish." Joseph answered truthfully, turning the other way.

     Lark sat with both legs swinging over the ledge of the stump. "Oh, I get it. Philips went on and on about the fact that I'd just love to get my hands on his 'mini-buns'? Well, you'd laugh your sorry ass off if I told you what really happened between the two of us." Lark stopped shortly, when he realized just how boastful he sounded.

But in all honestly—the boy was more than happy to get his hands on his mini-buns.

Joseph day up straighter in his spot, crossing both arms over his chest, in a way that made Lark chuckle under his breath. "What do you mean?"

Lark smirked when he realized he'd finally gotten Joseph Ellington's undivided attention. "What do you think I mean? The guy lied to everyone."

"Tell me more." Joseph demanded, leaning into Lark's inviting scent. Lark hopped down from the stump, setting both hands at his scrawny hips.

"Maybe next time, Joe."

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