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     There were whispers all around Lark, dozens of students crowded into the hallway, different words and analogies being thrown into the air

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     There were whispers all around Lark, dozens of students crowded into the hallway, different words and analogies being thrown into the air. What had happened in only one night? And what news was big enough to the point where everyone seemed to know about?

     While shoving his history textbook into his locker, Lark paused to listen in on a conversation between two girls he hadn't even met. But he needed to know. The suspense was almost killing him.

     "I heard Bobby Stinger and Joseph Ellington fought over Betty Lee . . ."

     "Well, I heard they fought because Betty Lee is with Joseph, but loves Bobby . . ."

     This had Lark's heart shattering. Had Joseph really gotten into a fight with Bobby? Was Joseph okay? Was this why he hadn't made it to school that morning? So, so, so many questions—but no answers.

How on earth was Lark the seemingly last person to find out?

The day passed even slower than it began, especially with Joseph and Bobby's spat on his mind. But in lunch, Patty sat in front of him, a small smile in place.

"Hey, Lark," she slid a box of apple juice across the table, and over to Lark, who was grateful for her familiar face. "So, did you hear about Joseph and Bobby? Rumors say Bobby has a thing for Betty, so he—"

"Yeah, Pat," Lark interrupted, shocking Patty. "I heard."

"Well, I just know Betty Lee'll leave him. She hates violence. So, when she's single and ready to mingle—I'll make my move." Patty ignored Lark's sigh of defeat, knowing that he must be upset about something he obviously doesn't want to speak upon.

     "How're you so sure Betty Lee'll go for you?"

     Patty tilted her head to the side, twirling a dark piece of hair around her index finger. "I'm not—but I hope she can find it in herself to at least continue being kind to me—even if she shoots me down."

     Lark admired Patty's boldness, even more someone so small and precious. He wished he could have even a percentage of her boldness while with Joseph. But lately, it seemed as though he couldn't do anything without the fear of Bobby Stinger in the back of his head.

     And he was sure that that wasn't at all healthy, nor recommended by some Northside shrink. But what could he do? He was a sucker for boys who kissed his nose, and lied down in his lap.

     Because that was exactly who Joseph Ellington was.

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