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     Gasps were gasped as both Lark and Joseph made their down the hallway, their fingers interlinked in between them

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Gasps were gasped as both Lark and Joseph made their down the hallway, their fingers interlinked in between them. Lark's cheeks flushed at the undivided attention they were receiving, while Joseph brought up Lark's hand connected with his, and planted a kiss.

" . . . I thought he was dating Betty Lee . . ."

" . . . I knew it . . ."

Joseph felt slightly afraid of what was coming next, but one look over at Lark, and it fell back into place. He knew most were still curious about who had taped the photo of the two of them to his locker. But the truth was—he wasn't.

     And it seemed as though, neither did Lark. And Joseph was utterly, and completely okay with that. He brought up Lark's hand again, landing another kiss.

     "I kind of love you, Larkin Reyes."

     "And I kind of love you, Joseph Ellington."

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