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     Lark recognized that voice—it was Joseph's. Lark couldn't speak for a moment, he had too many questions, too many concerns, he had to see Joseph in person. The curiosity was sure to kill him soon. And maybe one of these days, it would get the best of him, and he'd go over the edge.

     Even while having no idea what over the edge meant.

     "Hello? Anyone there?" Joseph's voice held just as much confusion as Lark's eyes surely held. At least now, Joseph understood how it felt.

     "H-Hey, it's me—Lark."

     Lark could hear Joseph let out a seemingly relieved sigh. "Hey, Lark. Was there something you needed?"

     Was there something he needed? Yes, to hear Joseph's voice again, to see him again, to know if he was alright. Was that too much to ask?

     Lark opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off Joseph. "Meet me at our stump. Be there at ten. I'm sure I can sneak out and get there—can you?"

     Lark didn't hesitate. "Yes."

The line was disconnected, and Lark looked over at his bedside clock, that read, 8:47. He still had almost two whole hours, until he was able to see Joseph again. And he couldn't wait.

     Joseph was early. Yet again, his feet swung over the edge of he and Lark's shared tree stump. His eyes caught sight of an open carving space along the trees bark. He ran his fingers over it, his lips curling at his thoughts.

     He knew it would be especially cheesy if he were to ask Lark if he'd like to crave thief initials into the tree. But Lark liked things like that—and he knew it. So, why not?

     His heart began to smile along with his lips, when Lark hurled himself onto the space beside him, instantly pulling him into his embrace. "Where the hell have you been? There's been rumors at school about you and Bobby fighting—what happened to your eye? Did he hit you—"

     "Lark," Joseph stalled the boy before him, grabbing both sides of his face. Lark took this time to get it a good look at Joseph's wound, gradually inching closer to tears at the bruising. "I'm alright, I've been alright. Just—busy."

     "Busy doing what? Worrying me?" When Lark questions Joseph, Joseph sighs, pulling Lark into his chest.

     "I'm fine—we're fine."

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