Chapter 28

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Am really sorry for the super late update.
Been too busy in my real life that even though I always wish to return on my dream land and just continue writing, it has been very hard to do so.

I miss this story, these 3Moons, moreover their Omegas.
And I miss you, too, guys.
I hope to hear from you, too.

Happy reading!


Arthit's POV

"P'Arthit, get a hold of yourself. Close all your windows and stay away from the door. Now!"

Damn, did he just growl at me?

I found my Omega self submitting to him.
I immediately complied to the instruction of the alpha outside. If I am not in a situation, I will surely bark on him for using that alpha tone. I am an Omega in heat. He should not take advantage of me.

"P'Arthit, I am not trying to look down on you but just trying to protect you. Forgive me for using that kind of tone. Now, please tell me what's the problem so I can help you. Your scent is flaunting in the air for more than an hour now, and I'm afraid in less than another hour every alpha may sense it already."

What should I do? My brain is currently on a chaos.

"P'Arthit, please tell me now. Your safety is at stake here. I don't mind fighting every alpha that will try to reach you through this door. But you must be aware that there'll be more consequences this event may bring upon your life later if you don't act now. Just for them finding out your state will surely change your whole life tremendously..."

'Omega and unmated at all. What happened to Noh may happen to you, too.'

The words of my mother kept ringing on my head.

"P'Arthit, if you don't answer me, I have no choice but to decide it on my own. I can give you solutions, I just want you to make a choice while you still have a chance... But, we are now running out of time... I don't want to do it against your will but if worse will be worse..."

I have no choice but to cooperate. I can feel the heat is starting to wrap around my entire being.

"I-I just run out of my medicine. I need to have one and everything will be alright."

"Where can I find this medicine?"
"I am not sure if it is available in the pharmacy. My mother is the who is always purchasing it for us."

"Just give me the name and I'll provide it for you." I whispered the medicines' name and got surprised that he caught it immediately. I heard him talking in the phone for a few minutes before he gave me another instruction.

"Go in the bathroom and open the shower. You don't need to wet yourself, just stay near the water for a few minutes. I will knock once the medicine arrived."

Just like that, I really heard the knock in less than thirty minutes. How come he made it possible to do it and this fast? He did not even leave the hallway. I am sure he didn't since his scent did not go away.

"P'Arthit, the medicine is here. Please check if it's correct before taking it. Don't even open the door too wide..."

I hurriedly but carefully opened the door and grab the medicine from his hand before closing it again immediately.

"Please lock the door." I heard him say once more from the other side of the wall. But this time, I did not felt threatened but relieved.

"K-Khop khun na, Kongphob."

"Is it correct?"
"Yes. I took it already."

"Thank, God. How long will it takes effect?"
"Since I've been taking it regularly, only a few minutes will be good and everything will be fine."

"Great. I hope you don't mind me staying outside your door for the whole time."
"Suit yourself."

“Thank you, P’Arthit…”

Why is he thanking me?

“… I’m really happy that you’re not pushing me away anymore. I feel so honored in doing this. And --”


I clear my throat to cut him. I’m afraid he’ll say things that will melt my Omega self right now.

“Ha! As if you’re going to comply if ever I asked you. You’re too stubborn to do so.”

“Of course I will not if it’s your safety that is at stake. I’d rather settle on being hated while protecting you, than to be praised while neglecting your importance. Anyway, only a thin line is separating hate from love, that is why I am still hoping for the time to come, when you decide to choose crossing that tiny line one day.”

I heard him let out a soft chuckle after whispering the last few phrases as if he is talking to himself more than me.

Damn. He is still trying to throw some pickup lines despite this situation.

Kongphob’s POV

I leaned on the wall closing my eyes while trying to clear my still clouded mind. P’Arthit’s exhilarating scent is starting to fade away little by little that my Alpha self is trying to savor all of it to its heart's content. My possessiveness and inner desires are urging me to do things I may regret later that I felt relieved and disappointed at the same time.

My eyes immediately opened up when I heard footsteps approaching our direction. My aura voluntarily flaunted in the air, threatening and giving warning to whoever is approaching.

I saw two pairs of eyes looking at me. The first one is showing fear and disdain at the same time, while the other is vigilance and protectiveness.

“W-who are you?” I heard the Omega asked, I recognized the purple glitter on his eyes, with his second gender voluntarily reacting on mine. The alpha who came with him immediately put his body between us. I sensed his aura warning me not to touch his, what I supposed is, his Mate.

The Omega take a strong grip on his forearm still looking at me past the other alpha's shoulder.

“W-What are you doing in front of my brother’s door?” I can hear the silent accusation in his voice, but as an Omega, he is still trying to be careful for his own sake.

Aww, so he is P’Arthit’s little brother? The cutie genes really run thru the family. I wonder how our children are going to look like someday.

“What are you thinking? Stop staring at him!” I heard the other one growl and saw his eyes flashed a deeper shade of blue. A sign of threat coming from an Alpha being possessive of his Mate.

I blinked away my blue eyes to stop the discomforts of the two visitors.

“I am just trying to guard an important person inside this room. If you want to get past through this door, I’m sorry, but you have to leave the Alpha outside.”

“And who are you to decide for that?”

“Khorthot na khrub. But, we both want him to be safe, right? I think you know better than what I just suppose should be done on this kind of situation. I am someone who thought you’re just as smart as P’Arthit…”

“Fine. Anyway, you’re right. P’s better than me on all other things, except for this. How long have you been standing outside this door? It’s already 4am… Even if you don’t tell me, I am already aware of who you are. Is your student number 0062?”

I nodded with a smile. Looks like someone is already talking about me with his brother.

“I will not ask for your name because I want that stubborn someone do the introduction for us. How is he anyway?”

“Thank God, he’s fine. He already took his medicine just a few minutes ago.”

“Aww? Then why did he still asked me to bring some?”, he showed me a plastic bag he’s been holding with his left hand.

“Where did he get his medicine? Did you just provide it for him?”

I just nodded my head in confirmation. The Omega is still looking at me as if studying all my reactions.

“Really? Wow, you’re great! I want to call you P’ because he is my P’, but we both know that you are just a freshman, and I’m already a sophomore. Do you want to call me P’?” he asked. I am about to answer when I heard P’Arthit called out from the inside.

“Is that you, Noh?”
“Yes, P’… I am now coming in…”
Noh slightly squeeze his mate’s shoulder, then winked at me playfully before he finally entered his brother’s room.

The alpha whom he called Phun, and who is left with me, looked at me distinctively.

I saw the bond mark on his neck and wondered on it. Noh is younger than P'Arthit, but looks like he have done it first than his older brother.

He smiled proudly when he caught me looking at his mark. I returned it with an awkward smile since I still don't know how am I going to address him, and Noh, if I opened my mouth since they are both older than me but are both younger than P'Arthit.

I mean... Do you get my dilemma?



Sorry if it's short. I am still trying to regain the momentum.
Bye for now!
Thank you for still reading.

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