~Chapter 27~

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Sally was beginning to panic, he was embarrassed about freaking out like this in front of everyone, Travis had a worried look on his face as well, although he didn't really care about Sally, he just didn't want him blurting out what had happened yesterday.

Sally stood up, ready to run out of the classroom but he was finding it difficult to breathe, he was struggling to see what he was doing due to the tears streaming from his eyes.

"Holy shit!" Larry suddenly shouted as Sally collapsed back into his chair.

Larry had moved to kneel by the side of Sally's chair.

"Larry! Take him to the nurses office, and watch your mouth!" the teacher yelled.


Sally took a seat on a bed in the nurses office, he didn't say a word to Larry, but he had managed to calm himself down. Sally didn't know what had happened, seeing Travis just made him panic.

Larry was visibly worried, his face was completely white and he looked terrified.

"I'm sorry, Larry, I don't know what came over me," Sally gulped, hoping not to be judged by his best friend... or whatever they were at this point.

"Sal, don't worry about it, you had a panic attack, you can't control them. But it will be okay," Larry looked like he had calmed down a little at the sound of Sally's voice.

"I hate school..."

"Tell me about it," Larry rolled his eyes.

The room fell silent again, and the nurse entered.

"Are you okay now?" she asked, glancing at Larry and then focused her gaze back onto Sally.

Sally nodded and scratched the back of his neck, the nurse left the room and went into her office.

"Sally, was there a reason for... you know."

Sally shrugged, "I guess it just happened."

"Is everything okay, Sal, even Ashley has been acting a little weird, I just feel like you're not telling me something," Larry looked disappointed.

Sally still didn't know whether he should tell Larry or not, he knew that Larry would kill Travis if he ever found out, so he decided to keep the whole episode to himself.

"Everything is fine, Larry, its just been a hard couple of days that's all, hopefully it will be over soon."

"I hope so."

Sally decided to leave the nurses office and they went to get something to eat, they managed to flag Ashley and Todd down on the way to the cafeteria, Larry walked ahead of them with Todd while Ashley and Sally stayed behind to chat.

"I need more concealer," Sally whispered.

Ashley nodded and muttered the words, "lets eat first."

Sally rushed his food and practically ran outside with Ashley, leaving Larry with Todd.

"You need to tell him you know," Ashley said as she re-covered the marks.



"I want to... Its just that I don't want anyone to get hurt," Sally paused and thought for a moment, "I when I say anyone I mean Larry, Travis can get hit by a truck for all I care."

Ashley let out a small chuckle, "but on a serious note, if he does it again, tell me and I'll deal with him myself."

Somewhere Only We Know - (Larry x Sally Face) {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now